Summit The Emperor ran his eyes along the chamber, and the general to his side, leant back in his chair and sighed, shaking his head. When at last, thanks to King Ferrand, a break came in the bickering the Emperor spoke up "There are packs of berserking Orcs with better cohesion..." He mumbled, before raising his voice and speaking normally "King Ferrand is right when he says that unless you decide upon a united High Rock you will always be weak. You are the political laughing stock of Tamriel and now I see why. All of Tamriel is threatened by slavery and death by the mere existence if the Aldmeri dominion, and instead of doing anything to stop it you are here fighting to decide who can yell the loudest." He paused, this summit was hardly going the way he had hoped. Two parties didn't even turn up, and the one which did was so divided one had to wonder whether it wouldn't just be better to give them each a sword and tell them to settle it "Why is it so hard to just agree on something. Skyrim does it, they have the nine Jarls, thus meaning a great number then you, and they elect a high king, so why can't High Rock decide on a high king? Though seeing you, I suppose everyone would just vote for themselves, wouldn't they? Even when Tiber Septim invaded, the kingdoms couldn't make their minds up nor work together, and one by one they each fell. Do you want to have as much claim to fame as most of your ancestors, slipping into the recess of history as a footnote due to their incessant wars and none progress? Or would you want to be remembered as the rulers of High Rock who at last managed to unify High Rock? At the end of the day it won't matter which one of you can pretend to be incharge, because you'll all be bending knee to the Elves. As all ways your lack of a central pillar, a proper king who you will all obey, is holding you back. I hate to interfere in local politics, but if this is all High Rock has for a political scene then I might just have to before you're bickering as skeletons as foreign forces march over your lands and put your people to the sword. You think Hammerfell might not try? Or the Aldmeri? Skyrim? Is that what you want, or ar you finally going to get your act together, get a high king and sort out this mess of a nation?" The Emperor said, his right hand placed against his forehand in frustration. He had come North to gather aid against the Thalmor. Nearly nobody showed up, and those who did had managed to side track it to their own little game of intrigue. Unbelievable. Valenwood The Legion Forces brought forward their archers, setting alight their arrows and aiming towards the Thalmor encampment "Men of Cyrodiil! Of High Rock! Of the Snow and the Sand! Khajiit of Elsweyr! Argonians of the Black Marsh! Elves of the ash, the wood and the Isle! Many of you have lost the futures you deserved, taken 36 years ago in the great war! Those of you of the provinces who have since left us were driven from your homed by your alientated support for the Empire, support for your brothers! Before us today, lie the so called Aldmeri Dominion who pride themselves in the destruction of your lives, your homes, your friends and families and your countries! Do we forgive them? No! We shall destroy their precious dominion, show them that our hearts will not be limited by their laws, that we want to be free to worship whatever gods we choose, whatever ways of life we abide by! Let them see our fires as they reign down from above, an reckoning from an angel of death! Launch arrows!" He commanded, and the burning arrows soared through the night sky like shooting stars, and beside them the battle mages tossed their spells of fire and death towards the Thalmor encampment. Many were rudely awakened from their sleep by the yells of their watchmen and the cackling of fires. Horses neighed as the Equites rode through, tossing burning torchs onto their buildings and swiping at the heads of the Thalmor. The disorientated Thalmor were no match for the vicious Equites, and Justicair and Mage reeled from sword stroke before many had even readied their weapons. Then the Equites rode back again, and the Thalmor began to reorganise, as the mages tried to douse the flames of their burning camp "Archers, Bosmer, loose your arrows upon the Thalmor, bring their mages down, quickly! Legionaries prepare your selves, form your lines and hold your ground, they think we're a bigger force than we actually are! Battlemages, continue to lay waste to their buildings, Equites, prepare for another charge!" The Legate ordered, yelling orders as loud as he could to his forces. With some luck, the Thalmor would surrender soon... This was mainly a medical and forfing encampment, there were wounded and civilians and the Legate had no doubt that not even the Thalmor would be able to put up a resistance for that long, facing a larger force while risking your wounded friends burning alive. No, he expected a surrender shortly... Force movements With the reports of werewolf attacks having all but disappeared, the forces who were sent up to Cheydinhal begin their march south to meet up with their fellow legions