Perhaps it was due to his bipedal form, meaning less time had been needed to rearrange his skeletal structure. Perhaps it was simply that such a transformation barely impacted him on an emotional level - he had briefly been distracted by the concepts like wrists and ankles, but having a human body did not perturb him otherwise. Perhaps it was his age - he had no idea how old the others were, but fact was it had been his trainer's daughter who sent him to Oak's lab, and he had finished the evolutionary process at least a decade or so ago. Or maybe he was overanalyzing it and it was pure dumb luck. That was equally plausible. Regardless of the reason, he had woken up relatively early and, after a brief panic attack that left his arm wrapped (lest the glass-made wounds open), he had stayed calm and learned about the situation from Oak. With the new wave of awakenings, Oak had left him to himself, to contemplate what the professor had said. Giratina, vanished. The world half-wrecked. A new team of criminals who wanted to take advantage of the situation to rule the world. The former Gardevoir exhaled slowly. Where to go from there? -- The first thing the Porygon-Z noticed was the glass wall. A fire wall? Could she interface with it? She reached up as best as she could within her confinement and touched it. No reply whatsoever. She stared before it clicked. She wasn't in a program, was she? Then - she looked down at herself. Ok, so she no longer floated. That was a thing she had to get used to. Then again, it was always a bit strange to rematerialize after exiting a program. This was just a new form, like... She frowned. The memory was on the tip of her tongue. Intellectually, she knew she had to have evolved - twice - but she couldn't recall how it actually felt. For that matter, there seemed to be a lot of gaps. Why was she here? Who brought her here? Her frown deepened. Fine, she'd figure it out later. Right now, this tank was feeling claustrophobic. She started with tapping, which progressed into a harsh rapping before the pod opened and she stumbled out before the assistant could ask her if she was ok. Her eyes flickered, gaze sweeping the room. Seemed she wasn't the only one who woke up strange. She moved forward - and fell. Right, legs. "Are you okay?" "Bug off, I need a minute." She sat up, rubbing her forehead. Seemed like it'd be a long day...or year, if this didn't wear off.