Well, she was at least thankful for his compliment, but it wasn’t doing anything to stop the beating of his heart in his chest threatening to escape and flee for dear life. He felt like he was just floating in open waters covered in shark bait and one wrong move would inspire a frenzy to tear him apart. He felt like this once before, back when he was just getting to know her. Mako was struck from the moment his eyes met her, and his heart had beat fiercely. Looking back to when things were easier, he was even amazing himself at how much of a scumbag he became. It was a blessing to hear from Asami’s own lips that she didn’t want to break the bond she had with him entirely. Because of Mr. Sato’s decision to side with Amon in the destruction of this city, it was true that the Sato name and company had very little sway these days. As for Mako, well, he was just a guy now. Pro-bending would likely be gone for some time while the rebuilding came and outside of that he had very little sway except in her own heart now. It would be more than enough for him. Consuming the rest of his meal beside her in thought, when she had stood to take care of her plate he had quickly finished the rest of his own and stood up to follow. Giving her a head start to clean her dish up, he had stepped inside hoping that there was some chance he could keep this going. Quietly moving to join close beside her, it didn’t take a detective to see the pace had been picked up by leaving the kitchen. Mako’s eyes kept to her back until she was out of sight, and with a feeble sigh he turned to properly wash his dish. Asami had a knack for getting his hopes up and then lightly stepping on them before running off again. Heh, with a summary like that, he couldn’t help but smile a little at the receiving end of all this. He agreed with himself – this was a well-deserved thing she was doing, and he’d have to live with it for the time being. At least he knew that the bond they shared wouldn’t be completely destroyed. Resigning any remaining intention to stretch his luck with her for one day, Mako had dried off his plate and returned it to the appropriate drawer before stepping out and taking a long glance at the front door. It had been a long trip back and he wanted to allow Asami as much peace of mind as he could, but there wasn’t much a man like him could do today. Instead of running off, he’d instead think to tomorrow morning and what his plans would be. Between the ruins of a proud city and the crime and desperation of its citizens, Mako believed that he was much more the enforcer type than a builder. That seemed tailored towards Bolin more than anything. Settling on his flexible early morning schedule, he turned and headed upstairs, the murmurs of Asami upstairs hadn’t drawn his attention. His eyes were focused on the stairs entirely for the first several steps, surprised to see that Asami had chosen to sit down near the apex with some sort of item in hand. Normally this wouldn’t have been out of the question, but she seemed a little pale, almost as if she had just seen some kind of ghost. [b]“What’s wrong?”[/b] the firebender asked, stopping beside her and peering down at her note. With a quick explanation, Asami had summed up the details of her letter. His immediate reaction was joy; this would be the second wind Asami would need to help Future Industries recover. It was only until Asami had kept talking that this appreciation turned into some concern. Of course as the supportive ex-boyfriend he was thrilled that Asami had the chance to bounce back, but who would provide her this huge opportunity without cost? It was all so strange to absorb, but he knew better than to take this away from her, at least right now. Asami was brilliant, but could she be overlooking the idea that this may just be some kind of prank or …heck, maybe just a scam? Looking from where he stood to what he could see from the letter it looked professional enough, but it just wasn’t enough to settle him down. Then there was Mr. Sato and Asami’s need to confront him, only this time he didn’t have the opportunity to brutally injure her or worse. Maybe they all needed a little closure about everything. Going to see Korra about their …lustful interest in each other was going to be part of his agenda, Asami wasn't the only one who needed to clear the air.. [b]“I get it Asami, you don’t have to explain anything to me. Just know that I’ll be there if you need me.”[/b] Mako reassured her that he was to once again be that shoulder she needs, but of course he’d need to prove this through his actions. Words were all too useless for him alone now. With her arm coming around him and her body pressing against his, heat began to rise in his cheeks. This scene was familiar, but he mutually brought both arms around her and squeezed her snugly. His breath would creep around towards her neck, the temptation to kiss her there building like Bolin’s hunger in a buffet. Asami had wisely not allowed this to last long, probably knowing as well as he did what would occur if she did. Announcing her wish to rest, Mako nodded his head in response and quietly wished her goodnight. With her natural fragrance around him, the young man turned away and headed towards his own room for some alone time himself. Jumping into the bed and smashing his face into a pillow in the process, Mako turned himself over and stared at the ceiling to plot just how things would come together for him. Two more apologies to make, and an ex-girlfriend to win back over. Tomorrow was another day. - [b]“Piece of cake.”[/b] Korra’s immediate response to Bolin’s next challenge was playfully provoking. Once he had chosen to step back, Korra stepped back herself by lightly hopping on the tips of her toes with eagerness. The thrill of bending had returned to her and her natural talent was beginning to shine through once more. Bolin’s lessons would serve as a good refresher course, and he wouldn’t be as boring as the older teachers she happened to get. If she could take on the Equalist movement, then pushing some earthen walls would be child’s play. Feeling the ground shift from Bolin’s manipulation, Korra sucked in air through her teeth and began to take a couple deep breaths in preparation. Raising the walls up, she was successfully temporarily imprisoned and it was her job to get out. [b]“Alright, easy.”[/b] Assuring herself that the task at hand was just that, she jumped and outstretched her arms on either side of her. Upon landing, Korra imagined what would have been an epic collapse and push of the walls that surrounded her, coupled by a wide-eyed Bolin in disbelief that her prowess had returned as though it had never left her. The reality of the situation was that …well, nothing happened. Having closed her eyes to focus, she opened them once more and looked around in disappointment and disbelief. The skills that came with earthbending were obviously here, but the slabs didn’t part whatsoever, and what’s worse is that Bolin had asked her how she was doing. This was an utter embarrassment! [b]“Uh, you know …just …just not wanting to scare you with my …my skills! Ehehehehehe…”[/b] A horrible cover, but Bolin wouldn’t know any better, he believed in her right? Well, it wasn’t going to matter now, but she didn’t want to surrender after all that confidence earlier. Once more she drew in air and once again tried to force the walls to part, but they didn’t so much as shake with the walls enclosing on her. [b]“What in the world? Why can’t I—“[/b] her body seized up, the color of her eyes changing as the voices and experiences of every Avatar before her hit her all at once. It was only an instant, but by the time she was returned to her senses the walls that were daring to trap her even further had halted by her will’s demand. Once more attempting to shift these walls of powerful earth back, her final attempt had seen her succeed, the walls falling over. Korra opted not to launch them far, there were risks after all, like hitting a certain earth bender teacher. Seeing Bolin ahead of her, she stepped over the wall and placed her hands on her hips, leaning forward and smirking at him. Of course he was sweet about the entire thing, which only strengthened what the temporary contact with her past lives told her. [i]‘Don’t forget them, Korra’[/i] It was really spooky, but they were trying to teach her a lesson in that temporary restriction. She had the privilege of having her strength restored, but this time she couldn’t forget about everyone who had been with her along the way. As she saw things, if she struggled to make things right with Bolin, her earth bending might suffer as a result. Fair? Debatable, but given how she’s acted and how she’s been with everyone who wasn’t named ‘Mako’ it seemed like the most just thing to do, even if it was a pain in the butt. [b]“Maybe next time, teach.”[/b] Winking, together the two had spent more time in the sun and just being themselves. A little seriousness here and there …well, okay, it was Bolin and herself alone, so there wasn’t much seriousness at all. At the very least he was serious about helping her get back into the flow of things. By the very end she was panting, exhaustion represented by a light sheen of perspiration on her brown skin. Her chest heaved, demanding more air and an opportunity to rest after the exercises grew a little more intense for her. Opportunity to excuse themselves from training for now was delivered by Pema, calling them in about dinner. Joining beside Bolin, she patted him on the back and headed inside for preparations to be made. - It was true that Lin had seen plenty of his family already, not to mention having personally made a sacrifice for them, but at a time like this he didn’t want Lin to be alone. Of course he knew that he couldn’t do this forever; Lin would inevitably need to bear the burden of a life without a gift she had known her entire life and there was nothing he could do to prepare her for that. When confronted with that fact, he shared her pain because he felt equally responsible for her doing what she had done for them all. If it were him who made that sacrifice and Amon stole his power away from him …well he didn’t believe himself strong enough to handle that. Avatar Aang’s son, the only airbender he had, losing his gift when there was still so much to teach his children. There was a lot of pain in that alternate reality, but unlike Lin he had a family by his side to see him through it. Thankfully she was merciful enough not to stress the issue and had agreed to see him tonight. Feeling like a young man again with Lin agreeing to date him, the skipper within had been kept in check. Should his excitement have slipped, he might’ve clicked his heels together in midair! [b]“Excellent! Well, we’ll see you tonight! And don't even think about blowing me off... US off.”[/b] It might’ve been his imagination, but Lin may have even smiled at him. Turning on his heel and returning home with a little swagger in his step, the strangeness of his enthusiasm was beginning to surprise even him. He wouldn’t deny that Lin was still a special figure in his life, and his feelings weren’t going to conceal it for him. She’d come by, enjoy a dinner with the family, and be on her way once again. So, for tonight, he’d avoid thinking about what she’d come home to. Making his return he was pleased to find that Pema had somehow rallied the troops that were his children to help clean the home. Shards of broken glass and small sacks of rubble were still being removed but all in all everything was coming together very well. Even Meelo, the most hyperactive of his children, was containing himself and quickly seeking some questionable areas to dust. Jinora had stepped into the room and, upon seeing her father, rushed to him with a great hug. Ikki and Meelo had soon followed, with Pema stepping in to greet him with a kiss. Returning it, he looked down at little Rohan who was beginning to tucker out, yet had just enough energy to smile at his father. It was almost as if Amon’s movement never took place, and he desperately wished it hadn’t. [b]“It’s good to be back …so, what was the bribe for them this time?”[/b] [b]“Chocolate chip cookies.”[/b] Pema responded, to which the kids smiled knowingly. [b]“Ah, a classic. Lin will be joining us this evening and …where did Korra and Bolin go?”[/b] [b]“Korra said she’d take over for me, and Bolin’s been a big help too. They’re helping prepare in the back.”[/b] Tenzin’s eyes widened in surprise. Of course Bolin was a well-mannered young man and it was only natural that Korra sought to help out but he had never pictured Korra to be the one to take such charge. [b]“Korra? As in Avatar Korra? In front of a stove?”[/b] [b]“HEY!”[/b] Korra responded in the back, prompting the entire family to laugh. If the heat of the kitchen wasn’t so warm, she might’ve fumed a little, but for now she was carefully frying some shrimp. Eying the stove closely, she was determined not to mess this up, especially since Bolin had suggested she could sit this one out and let him take it over. Heck no. This was a new start for her, and she wasn’t so sheepish that she’d let Bolin do this. As strong and amazing as she knew she was, cooking was an unknown for her, but she had seen Pema and her mother do it enough that she had some idea of what she was doing. Okay, there were directions and it wasn’t like she was doing this out of natural talent, but there had to be points for her trying, right? [b]“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up! Everyone's a comedian!”[/b] Oh, they could laugh, but she’d have the last one in the end when they’ve never tasted something so good. Avatar Aang give her strength. With the evening’s inevitable arrival, Tenzin had seen the dining room set up neatly. The shattered windows and doorways due to the ferocious attack were repaired in an orderly fashion and due to Korra and Bolin’s efforts and Pema’s watchful eye dinner had managed to be completed without a hitch. With the kids having already washed up, all that remained was Lin to arrive. Just as the thought was passing in his head, he could hear her approach and preemptively opened the door with Pema joining beside him. Bolin and Korra were almost prepared setting the table, and the guest had just arrived with what appeared to be wine in hand. With the kids squeezing around their parents to greet Lin warmly and Meelo showing intense self-control to not leap onto her and ask her to show him some of her moves, Tenzin would say that tonight looked promising. Lin being Lin had complimented their home despite the obvious struggle, and urging Pema and the kids to the table while the servant prepared the wine he straightened his clothes. [b]“Yes, well, we had a little help with that. Some people bribe with money or rare goods …thankfully the kids still work for a batch of cookies.[/b]” Sizing Lin up, the airbender had to take into account how different she looked when she shed her casual attire, more ‘armor’ than casual but it suited her. Crime could occur anywhere at any time and Lin made sure to dress for every possible occasion. He suggested she try heels in their youth, and even today he could still feel the old bruise on his head. Closing the door behind her and guiding her to the dining room, the kids were already watering at the mouth, and Pema had thankfully helped joined Korra and Bolin in fixing their plates as well as their. While Tenzin had made sure Lin settled down beside Pema and himself, Korra was catching an eyeful of a Chief Beifong she had never seen before. She began to wonder if Tenzin ever tried to get her into heels… [b]“Who’d have thought you’d wear something other than your work uniform.”[/b] Korra grinned, hoping that Bolin was equally surprised that she had gone that route. If she was entirely unaware of the situation everyone was in, she’d suggest that Lin was on some sort of special date. A little dinner with a family could bring out such a nice change of clothes, and Korra pondered what a romantic dinner for two would do for her. [b]“The green does help bring out your eyes Lin, you’re …well, you’re not a criminal catcher right now, that’s for certain.”[/b] Tenzin hadn’t really taken such close notice of Lin in a very long while, and in all honesty he felt like she was almost a stranger in that attire. With the children digging in and Meelo thankfully not being too messy, Korra had looked between Lin and Tenzin, almost expecting something to happen with that compliment. Beside Bolin, Korra had leaned in to whisper to him, grinning widely. [b]“Think she’ll try to arrest Pema again?”[/b]