Forte gasped slightly as Beelzebub roughly jerked his body back. The hydra's power and rebellious nature never ceased to surprise him. Being upstairs must have been even worse for he wrathful hydra- at least in the basement, there wasn't any furniture that could behead you. How was his personal armory?! Had it survived such a thing? Turning to share a glance with December, who nodded a single time slowly, the armored hydra ascended up the stairs robotically, tailing Beelzebub. Once they were on a higher, floor, his eyes went wide. The castle was pretty much trashed, books and paintings and everyone's treasures seemingly randomly creating an unpredictable pattern on the ground. There were some of Blizzard's candy, cake, and cookie jars and boxes, Noire's jewelry, Charon's books, December's art supplies, Leo's sheet music (lazily and sloppily drawn and copied,), some of his weapons, Beelzebub's sentimental knickknacks, and when he reached down, he saw a toy of some kind. It was a tiny stuffed animal with unrealistically floppy and fluffy ears. It was so cute it almost made him sick. It was made out of knit material. Grinning, the prideful hydra picked it up between two fingers and dangled it in front of his eyes with amusement. Pleasantly, he piped, "Hey, look it's Edge's favorite toy! What did he call it? Little Edge? He must have been so happy when out gave it to him on his uh.... birthday. You two were so close. What happened? Would you ever really kill him?" Forte struggled for a word, knowing none of them knew when Edge was actually born. However, they had made up the date when he first washed onto the mainland. Back when they were all still getting accustomed to their powers, they were much tighter knit. Now it felt like they were separated into their own little groups. December usually was buddy-buddy with Blizzard and Noire, as well as him sometimes. He never liked Charon- but did always tolerate him. How could someone stand to using their body in that way to get what out want? To him it was unimaginably dishonorable. Noire was Charon's cohort, and in the old days, he spent the most time with Leo, Edge, Bel. What had occurred? What had made them into killers? Edge convinced him, and December, all he wanted was to get away from dragon kind and build a castle at the Edge of the world. There was an ocean on one side, once, and an expansive desert on the other side. Now there was only ruin and wasteland. They were all so close before, and though Edge could make miracles happen, he was weak. Whenever he killed, when he arrived at their shelter he would start crying and vomiting. Then, suddenly, Edge didn't mind killing, he loved it just as much as himself and Beelzebub. What drove him? Revenge? As Edge changed, so did Bel. It was only a matter of time until Bel went crazy, wasn't there? "Bel, are you alright? I care, you know, it's why I followed you. You may think we are only allies in battle, but of something's bothering you, I might be able to help." --- Noire flashed a grin to Blizzard. "Hmm, I don't know, can they get something to eat?" She repeated, knowing it would get on her nerves. Share her cakes and cobblers with Edge's kids or keep it all to herself. What would she decide? Terra, meanwhile, stared concerned at the two little children. Everyone seemed, on the outside at least, unphazed by the fact Bel could be conspiring against them all.