I'll be a part of the Firewall Organization. Hopefully, this is all right. If there's any problems in my application that contradict things, let me know! [b]Name:[/b] Elayne Van Feur [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Role in Organization (Leader or Member):[/b] Member [b]Appearance:[/b] Blood red straight long hair with striking purple eyes. She stands at around 5'6" and has a normal build that is neither too built, nor skinny. Elayne wears a long dark coat that has a fur collar with maroon leggings and aggressive-looking spiked silver boots. The coat has the logo of the Firewall Organization on the back. [b]Personality:[/b] Fiery, stubborn, fiercely determined, aggressive, hot-blooded, emotional, irrational. Elayne's personality is as stereotypical as her hair. She's vicious and immensely defensive and really hates the idea of Digimon guilds and groups due to some rough experiences in her past. Yet as expected, there's something more to it than just that. Her personality is formed from her intensely irrational fear of being hurt. Any sort of pain - physical or emotional. She will react far in advance to any sort of perceived threat, even if slight. Whether with a physical blow or with scathing words. She sees life as a competition and everyone in it is her opponent. In spite of her emotional personality though, she's actually quite intelligent and insightful about the feelings of others. She is also very secretive and selective with what information she reveals and doesn't even trust her own partner, Labramon, too extensively. Her quick reflexes and reactiveness in the face of danger make her a valuable asset to the Organization. Often, she is pushing her partner to go past her limits to the next level, wanting her to have more power to prevent threats from occurring. To her, Labramon is only a means of protection rather than a friend or a partner. She works together with the Digimon only to achieve her goals, about which she is very adamant of. The unification of everyone under one protection, one Firewall Organization, so that she can finally feel safe. [b]Biography:[/b] As a child, one would virtually find Elayne to be unrecognizable. Both physically and mentally. She was born into a seemingly normal family in Odaiba. With one caveat - her parents mostly ignored her in favor of their research on Digimon. They were very avid scientists. The only time they would interact with her was to punish or scold her when she made a mistake that they happened to see. As a result, little Elayne grew secretive, shy, quiet, and withdrawn. She would constantly hide from others in fear of doing something wrong. That is, up to the age of 14. Ten years ago, her parents left the house for some important research. Weeks passed, and they didn't return. Elayne was quite content without them at first, but started to become fearful as the reality set in. Eventually, she decided enough was enough and took to the streets to search for them. It was a perilous long journey when she inevitably reached the rough side of town, and one where she had to learn to adapt. With vicious Digimon gangs constantly squabbling and fighting, there was no one she could trust. She soon learned that reacting quickly was the key between life and death. On one particular day, she found a digivice on the ground. With it was a young Labramon, lying on the ground in tears. The Labramon told Elayne that she had lost her partner to one of these fights. The young teen scoffed in disdain, having grown to hate such groups, She told the Digimon of her story, and the two bonded over their mutual losses, beginning to travel together. It was rough-going at first, with Elayne not having quite known how to interact with others. But when one of the gangs' vicious Digimon attacked the young woman, Labramon jumped to her defense and digivolved to Seasarmon to protect her. Elayne was not one to sit down at the time and jumped into the fray as well, fighting viciously alongside her Digimon until the pair managed to scare off their opponents. A Firewall leader was watching the situation nearby in his car and was impressed by the amount of potential he perceived in this girl and her Digimon's power. He took her in, and only served to encourage Elayne's newly gained personality traits. The man told Elayne that under the Firewall Organization, all of these groups would be eliminated. One organization ruling everyone and everything, peacefully, like a utopia. Eventually, when she became old enough, she joined the Organization. To mark her new transformation and distance herself from the old her who she perceived as meek and defenseless, she dyed her hair blood red and took on a new moniker. Elayne's true name is unknown to most nowadays except to Labramon and some of the Organization's higher ups. To this day, she still doesn't know where her parents are and quite honestly, doesn't care to find them anymore as she perceives them as having abandoned her. [b]Digimon Partner (put its rookie form here):[/b] Labramon [b]Partner's Personality:[/b] Labramon once had a kind tamer and as a result, developed a sweet and very loyal personality. She is less aggressive than Elayne, but just as vicious when it comes to protecting her partner and is obedient to a fault. This Digimon shares her partner's defensiveness and has a personality similar to a guard dog. She often tries to keep Elayne out of danger and acts as a kind of conscious for her, but frequently cannot control her own tamer. Labramon has since grown to accept that Elayne is Elayne, and her personality cannot be changed. Deep down inside though, she wishes her partner would trust her more and show her more affection. [b]Partner's Digivolution Forms (from In-Training to Mega):[/b] - In-Training: [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Xiaomon]Xiaomon[/url] - Rookie: [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Labramon]Labramon[/url] - Champion: [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Seasarmon]Seasarmon[/url] - Ultimate: [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Cerberumon]Cerberumon[/url] - Mega: [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Anubismon]Anubismon[/url]