[u]Morag Tong Master Arvyn Sarandras[/u] The Ashen Refuge, Balmora Not long after the eruption of the Red Mountain during the Red Year, a wealthy businessman named Varona Hlaalu established the chain of inns named "The Ashen Refuge" to cater to the tastes of the Dunmer refugees all across Tamriel. The series of inns served all sorts of Dunmer delicacies that were almost impossible to find the ingredients for, making the inns a place not only for the targeted Dark Elf customers, but also for rich citizens that are attracted by the exclusivity of the dishes they serve. After the return of the Nerevarine, ownership over the series of inns was turned over to the government of Morrowind, turning the inns into an unofficial embassy on the province they are located at, while maintaining the services they offer. The sudden take over of the Morrowind officials was treated with suspicions at first, but when rumors of the Morag Tong's involvement came up, public investigations slowly came to a halt. "Any reports from the agents we've sent?" Arvyn asked, while looking a map of Tamriel spread across the table before him. "The agents arrived at the cities they were assigned to, we should receive their reports soon sera" says one of the Dark Elves standing inside the room with Arvyn. "Excellent, our king would be pleased to hear this." Arvyn says while marking some of the cities on the map. [u]Orsinium[/u] Instead of a group of Dark Elves, several Orsimer blacksmiths filled the Ashen Refuge in Orsinium, all recruited by the agent sent from Morrowind. Under the promise of riches and the high recognition, the blacksmiths pledged their services to Oravos, hoping that their acts would eventually improve the reputation of the Orcs to the Mer. [u]Valenwood[/u] The Ashen Refuge in Valenwood was almost unscathed from the conflicts that occurred recently inside the once peaceful Bosmer city, but weren't spared from the Imperial legion's inspections. The imperial legionnaires had every right to inspect the place though, as the inn was actually keeping wounded Altmer officials secretly. Upon the arrival of the agent from Morrowind, an agreement was reached to transport the officials covertly back to the Summerset Isles. The agreement was mostly in favor of the Dark Elves, but to be offered a chance to live for another day freely, even a the High Elves couldn't let it pass. [u]Cyrodiil[/u] Several days after the arrival of the agent sent to Cyrodiil, Imperial patrols along the highway leading to the east began to go missing. Little evidence about the patrol's whereabouts were found, while rumors of a cult kidnappings continued to spread among the citizens who were desperate to have an answer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [u]Oravos the Nerevarine[/u] Royal Study Room, New Vivec "Muthsera, someone wishes to give you a letter." says one of the Sentinel guards assigned outside the room. "I think I made myself clear not to be disturbed..." Oravos says to the guard who almost didn't hear it through the thick stone the door was made of. "The letter was written in Akaviri my king..." The guard says lowly, not intending to alert the other guards outside. Oravos' sighed upon hearing what the guard said then spoke. "Bring it inside." The guard entered and traversed through the several books and parchments all scattered inside the room, before placing the letter on Oravos' table. "I want all of the Grand Councilors present inside the capital, am I understood?" Oravos says while holding the letter with his left hand. "Yes muthsera." The guard replies. "You're free to leave, and call for one the bought this message wait outside." Oravos added before hearing the door shut. Oravos placed the letter near his face, smelling the parchment thoroughly. The paper reeked of the scent of the sea, which alarmed him as he opens it and reads its contents. At first he felt somehow relieved that the letter came from a former ally in the east, but his relief soon came to be replaced with conflicting feelings as he finished reading the letter. In his mind, his effort to change the fate of Morrowind can finally come into fruition, but in a way that he never expected. Taking a piece of paper on his desk and an inked quill, Oravos began writing his reply. [i]Abasi-Kil I'm not surprised that you've finally reached the rank of high general, I knew that they would take notice of your exceptional skills soon enough, you deserve it. I appreciate your offer of friendship, but as the Nerevarine and King of Morrowind, I cannot simply side myself and my people to your kingdom, without discussing the terms of this friendship you offer. I wish for us to meet to discuss this further, as representatives of our people and in the honor of our previous alliance. [/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taking the letter with him outside, he hands it over to the Ka Po' Tun disguised as a Khajiit, along with a small pouch of gold. After a guard escorts Adi Tuah away from the royal canton, he turns to one of the Sentinels beside him and says. "Inform Lord Ildoryn that I'll be going to meet him in Mournhold."