[center][u]Male Dorm >>> Onyx >>> On way to Masquerade[/u][/center] Tyler moved slowly, but with purpose, trying to remember what he could about the dorm he was assigned. Onyx room, second floor of the male dorms and he had roommates…. two others? Were there three of them in total? That should be interesting. Though Tyler really didn’t see any problems with sharing living space with others, there was always the possibility that one or both of them was a raging psychopathic nutjob…. Okay, Tyler had to admit very slim, but still a chance. Almost entirely positive that the dorm arrangements would be the least of his problems at this incredibly strange college, Tyler entered the first floor of the male dorm and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows in disbelief. He didn’t know what he should have expected – maybe a couple of cheap couches, some chairs, all huddled around an average sized TV – but what he saw was not that. Instead, aside from the staircase, a series of doors greeted him and, upon further inspection, the doors held various game rooms and a snack room. Interesting. Heading towards the stairs, Tyler paused, grabbing the railing and looking back at the doors. He [i]could[/i] just spend his time here instead of the ball… With a snort, Tyler continued on his way up the stairs. No, he should probably participate in the activities of this strange place. Upon reaching the Onyx room, Tyler let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in. Even though it said he was sharing this ‘room’ with others, there were smaller separate rooms inside, all around a common living area. It was [i]almost[/i] as if they were in some kind of apartment rather than an actual dorm room. Pleased, Tyler continued into a seemingly unoccupied room and dumped his things onto the bed. The ball was soon, so he didn’t have much time to get settled. Rolling his eyes at the absurdity, he easily found the [url= http://formalnoticetuxedos.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/800-Black-2-button-tuxedo-1.jpg]tuxedo[/url] in the closet, and the [url= http://redskytrader.com/images/product-images/m31000c_1.jpg]mask[/url] hanging on the same hanger. Neither were too outrageous, so he donned the tux as quickly as he could and then proceeded to unpack his things, now that he was ready. He didn’t have many things, an old book-bag, some spare clothes, a wallet, an extra pair of shoes. He put the wallet in back in his bag and then put everything in the closet before dropping himself onto the bed and surveying his room. Thankfully, the room wasn’t as extravagant as the rest of the college. It was actually fairly plain. The bed was made with plain blue sheets and two pillows, and the floor was of a similar plain carpet and the walls were a plain color. Oddly enough, he found comfort in the familiarity of plainness. It suited him. Before too long, Tyler finally decided that it was time to go to that ball, so without a glance back, he put on his mask and walked through the door of his room, eventually making it out of the door of the entire dorm as well.