[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/sHwlfcI.png][/center] [b]Amy Winston, Titan Tower's Rec Room[/b] As Iron Fist calmly lectured her, Amy remained quiet, occasionally twitching anxiously as she listened to the older hero. She didn't really know how to respond... Here she was, hiding away from the others and goofing off when she should be training, and yet he was acting like she wasn't in any trouble. "W-well, um..." Propping back her glasses, Amy tried to look him in the eye (well, the mask at any rate), but somehow found her eyes drifting to his shoes instead. Even though he was always so calm, she still found him somewhat intimidating. Really, she found all of the other Titans intimidating too; they had been fighting crime for much longer than she had, and they were all older than her... "It just... It just feels kind of... I mean, I'm the youngest one here, and... Everyone is so much more experienced than me. I just feel so nervous that I can't... I just feel so..." Sighing, Amy begin awkwardly fiddling with the amethyst that hung around her neck. "I'm just... Not good at adapting, I guess... I know I have these powers for a reason, but... I don't even know [i]why[/i] I have them in the first place!" As she finally looked Iron Fist in the eyes, Amy's face was filled with frustration; if she was a weaker willed girl she would probably be crying right now. "When I was in Gemworld, everything seemed so much easier... But now I'm here, surrounded by all these other superheroes... They called me a princess back there, but I have no idea why. I'm no princess... I'm just... I just don't know if joining the Titans was a good idea anymore..."