[img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs51/i/2009/316/0/8/Dragon_Age_Origins_Chibis_by_PolymorphicGirl.jpg[/img] [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/43224/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1290721]Game Thread[/url][/center] This RP takes the form of a 'what-if' scenario where both the plot and characters of the original game's story, focusing around the 5th Blight, are greatly altered and I do mean greatly. This will not be a play-by-play repeat, but a complete remix which will defy expectations. Alterations include but are not limited to changes in random events, recent historic events, personality changes, gender-bending of cannon characters, appearance of cannon characters not normally present in Origins and the introduction of completely novel characters, talents, weapons and magics. Possible options include the following... 1) Completely unique characters. All such unique characters must be Grey Warden recruits present at Ostagar or arriving there with Duncan at the start of the story but they can have ANY origin possible within the Dragon Age universe including Qunari. 2) Cannon characters from Origins with one or more interesting alterations Example: Alistair as a Mage instead of a Templar, Leliana as a character who has lost her faith, Wynne as a young mage just past her harrowing, Zephran as a female... okay maybe that doesn't change much but you get the idea XD 3) Cannon characters from other Dragon Age settings Example: Varric Tethras, Fenris, Merril 4) Characters normally resigned to a nonheroic NPC role in Origins Example: Shianni, Sandal, Avernus The game will start at Ostagar and a few other locations (depending on how many other players we have) and over the course of play converge into a single storyline following a group centered on the Warden characters. What this group does, how it plans to stop the Blight and where it travels, however, is totally up to the PCs and may vary widely from in-game events. I envision the game as high-casual, but since this is Dragon Age do not expect me to shy away from adult themes like sex and violence. Players who are not familiar with the Dragon Age setting but still want to join are welcome but they'll need to brush up on the world's basics by visiting the [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon_Age_Wiki]wiki[/url].