[quote=BlackBishop] I can't help but be a little disappointed at the lack of activity these past couple days, but thats okay. I wanted to have the moot wrapped up and have another event thrown at you guys, but we will just wait until next week. Orders are due this sunday, 3pm eastern time, as the crowning may just be touched upon in the update due to lack of activity, council orders wont come into effect until next week. Theo can name his council next Moot (provided we don't have a surprise rebelion.) Remember you all get one military order, and one diplomatic order. You may not have any orders for you army this time around, as things are fairly calm, but make sure you get a diplo order in so you can make some gold. Anything from a spring fair, hunt, trade mission etc can be a diplo order. I won't be around this weekend much, so if Swift could IC, that would be great, the rest of you I am assuming swore fealty unless you state otherwise.I'll have an update up sunday afternoon, so make sure you get your orders in! [/quote] I am simply waiting for the Moot to finish:L Also my orders should be in tomorrow.