[center][b]Stairway - Garnet Dorm Room - Grand Hall[/b][/center] The calm chatter that came from the rest of the freshmen soon grew quiet as everyone seemed to head off to their dorms. Still standing at the stairway and taking everything in, the blonde adjusted the strap to her duffle bag along her shoulder before doing the same to her messenger bag and heading towards her dorm room. A number of students began to head out of their rooms, dressed nicely in beautiful gowns and handsome tuxes. Feeling under dressed, she avoided eye contact as she hurried up the stairs. Coming up to the second floor, Disa’s eyes caught sight of a tall red headed girl, and a dog making their way towards her. Admiring her appearance, and looking over her black and red lacy dress slowly, she gave a polite smile as they passed one another. Turning her head back she watched the other girl make her way down the stairs a small sigh escaped her lips before she headed towards her dorm, “I guess I need to be getting ready too..” ‘[i]Garnet room, garnet room, garnet room, garnet room—[/i]‘ Passing up a number of doors, Disa came to a stop as she read the placard beside one of the doors, “Here we go.” Taking out her dorm key, she turned the lock before slowly peeking in. Earning an eerie creak from the door, her voice called out into the dark dorm room as she waited to enter, “Hello?” Earning no reply, she slowly stepped in and closed the door behind here. Finding a light switch near the door, Disa flicked on the light as the living room finally came into view. Furnished, and set up comfortably, the red warm walls brought a calming sense to the room as the blonde slowly made her way around it. Two doors sat opposite along two walls, which Disa assumed was her room and her roommates. Unsure of who it was, she peaked into the both rooms to see if either had been claimed. Noticing luggage in the room to the left, Disa headed for the one to the right. Plopping down along the bed with small huff, she laid flat along mattress as she stared up at the dark ceiling. Thoughts swarmed her head as she thought of the past couple of weeks. Gwens disappearance had taken a heavy toll on the girl, both emotionally and physically. A few days after she had gotten word from her parents, Disa sulked in room and avoided her parents and friends. Guilt swarmed her head and heart, and left her feeling empty and angry at herself. It had been her idea to sneak around, and find out more about kidnappings, so it should have been her. Not Gwen. It almost felt like she was betraying her friend coming to CTS. Instead of sitting in a pretty dorm room, and getting ready for a ball, maybe Disa could have been out there looking for her. Her chances might have been slim, but it still would have been something. Groaning at her thoughts, she sighed loudly to herself before sitting up and rubbing her head. Overthinking the situation had brought on a headache as she stood and began to pack away her things. Trying to distract herself from her thoughts, and worries she placed her things out along the bed before walking over to the closet to grab some hangers. Upon opening the door scarlet orbs widened. Hanging by itself in the empty closet was a beautiful white [url=http://www.dhresource.com/albu_364612328_00-1.0x0/2012-simple-style-dresses-long-white-dresses.jpg]gown[/url], with a golden masquerade [url=http://www.pjlighthouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/Masquerade-volto-mask-papilon.jpg]mask[/url] attached to the hanger. Tracing her hands over the silky material, she carefully grasped the mask and took it into her hands. Running her fingers along the wing-like edges, she found herself breath taken once again. Staring at it long enough, her eyes narrowed a bit as she took down the hanger and got a closer look at it, “How did they know my size?” Suspicion, and confusion was clear in her eyes as she looked over the dress again. It was an odd coincidence, but the girl was done with poking around for answers at the moment. Closing her room door, she quickly removed her casual clothes and pulled on the elegant dress. Struggling to zip herself up at first, Disa pulled on a pair of white heels that had also been tucked in the closet for use. Not having enough time to do her hair, or enough care really, her straight blonde locks sat With the dress sitting only inches off the floor now, she twirled slowly causing the material flare and spin gracefully with her movement. Standing in front of the mirror now, she looked over herself as her spinning came to an end. Growing up, Disa had never really liked wearing anything too fancy. She enjoyed being comfortable, and relaxed but as she stared at herself now she couldn't help but feel beautiful in the white gown. Fitting her shape nicely, she ran her hands over the material once more before grabbing the mask and the masquerade invitation and heading out of her room. Stepping out of the dorm room now that she was all dressed up and ready, the blonde carefully hurried down the stairs after locking the door. Not bothering to look at the time, considering she knew she was already cutting it close here heels clicked quickly and loudly as she made her way down the hallway. Drawing closer and closer to the Grand Hall, more students came into view. Noticing everyone wearing their masks, her eyes shot down to the golden mask within her hand as she brought it up to eye level and looked over it again. Before stepping out into the crowd, Disa slowly placed the mask on as she adjusted it so her scarlet eyes were peaking out of the eye holes. Giving a hard swallow as she shook off any dwelling anxiety she let out a deep breath and began to make her way down the hallway towards the Grand Hall.