Various Nation capitals Various Argonian Messengers 15th of Midyear, 4E 205 --- Throughout the nations of Tamriel, a number of the Argonian Shadowscales had made their way to the capital cities of each state, either under disguise or in complete isolation and stealth. They had been instructed to wait until noon of the 15th day of Midyear, before approaching the guard captain of each hold with a single parchment of paper: stamped with the seal of Black Marsh. Like Clockwork, the Argonains simultaneously appeared before the guards: be they eating, paroling or sleeping. The fearsome Shadowscales were not ones to be deterred by anything as simple as a roof or a locked door.. Each announced their presence with a clearing of the throat and the bowing of the head: despite the fact that no Argonian assassin would be caught without a knife's hilt in their palms: should the guards attack before thinking. One by one, the argonians left the notes in the hands of the Guard-captains, sure to deliver the message to Man and Mer alike, with only the broken Khajit being left off of the agenda. No doubt the mangy cats would be too busy clawing at scraps of desert and yarn, as opposed to speaking with the Argonians. Having dropped off the note, each Argonian would call upon their birthright and vanish from sight. The ways of the shadowscale were mysterious, but none could doubt their skill. Everything was an orchestrated plan: both as a show of skill as well as an invitation to the leaders of each nation. [Hider=The Note] To the lords and ladies of [Insert Nation Here] As you are reading this note: no doubt it would seem that each of you is now aware of my returned Shadowscales. The formerly repressed order has been reinstated and the Argonian power of Black Marsh is on the rise. As with all great nations, we strive for the greatest we can achieve: and no great nation can achieve alone. Without trade and without cooperation, there can be no great advancement. As such, Rules-With-Claws, the lord of Argonia,and unifier of the denizens of Black Marsh, invites you to the city of Stormhold on the 22nd of Midyear, under the parlay of peace and negotiation. Argonia remains a nuetral land and we wish to hear all offers. The agenda of both Men and Mer can allign with the free people of Black Marsh. May strong alliances be formed on the back of this summit. Signed, Rules-With-Claws Lord of the Black Marsh and master of Argonia. [/Hider]