The armored hydra would find him crouched over a pile of debris, pushing aside the tattered stained sheets and brushing off cookie crumbs and broken glass. He wasn't really looking for anything too specific. Compared to other hydra, he didn't have too much here. Wrath destroyed everything. Barely acknowledging Forte's approach, the only sign he knew of his presence was the slight shift of his head as if he was going to talk to him, but decided against it. Continuing to sift through the piles one by one, until Forte picked up the forlorn stuffed toy. The hydra felt his fingers prickle in rememberance and he turned to call over his shoulder, "It wasn't his birthday." Standing, he made his way over to Forte, but made no attempt to take the stuffed toy fromnhim, "It was a fucking long time ago, for all of us. Those that were born at least." He glared at the large button eyes, then waved his hand dismissively, "Give it to his kids or something. I'm sure it'll shut them up for a few minutes." He turned to continue sifting through the piles, stuffing a cookie from one of Blizzard's jars into his mouth. Spitting it out a moment later. Eurgh, oatmeal. She really did eat anything. He continued on his aimless searching until Forte sought to break the silence again. He sighed, standing up. As if reading his mind, he said, "I'm not Edge you know. I knew him, but I'm not him." Turning, he stepped towards the hydra and held out a piece of armor from his armoury, "I'm not always breaking stuff or hurting someone either like you all think you know." He muttered, then rubbed his forehead. Closing hiseyes, he sighed again, "I don't remember. After I died. I ressurected again and made my way back here and then....nothing. The next thing I know was I was being tossed down the stairs when the whole castle went crazy. Then Charon....I didn't hurt him. He's annoying and a coward, and just asking for a beating, but I swear, I didn't hurt him." "Something feels extremely wrong here. With Edge and his lil mate gone, not to mention that wind dragon. And the sudden...attack, December's vision. It doesn't add up." He said softly, furrowing his eyebrows. Dwelling in frustration until a loud knock broke the silence. Beezlebub looked up, "What the hell....?" It resounded rather loudly through the castle, seeming as if it was coming from downstairs, but.....they were probably just going crazy, either him or someone down in the basement. ------ Unfortunately no one had gone crazy down stairs. All eyes turning towards the large bolted doors. Blixzatd breathed a sigh at the distraction, saved from having to decide between little unspoilt wonderful cuties or Edge's children. Everyone else was feeling a little apprehensive ay the insistent knocking, the doors actually shaking a little it was almost a little laughable infact, to have someone knocking on the front door in the kiddle of an apocalypse. One might question as well why Edge had a door in the basement leading to the outside. "Should we....?" Sanare started then trailed off, everyone else wondering the same thing. Quietly, Leo gathered up the two children and held them close. The loud knocking refusing to stop. Finally, Ferrum stood and walked slowly over to the door, looking back at the rest. Regnum having shifted to the front, in a ready atrack position, Blizzard and Leo having moved to the back, towards the stairs. Everyone holding their breath as Ferrum placed his hand in the handle, trusting in his senses.... [Hider=Angst Arc starts here] The door burst open as soon as he pressed down on the handle, Ferrum stepping back quickly and drawing his gun in one fluid motion. He froze looking up at the newest addition though and immediately, he relaxed, rushing towards his brother. The wind dragon's gaze was ....emptier than usual. He didn't respond with a smug smart remark to Ferrum's calling of his name. All he did was stare at him blankly, more empty than dull.    "Anemoli?" Ferrum asked hesitantly, stopping short in front of his brother. He grabbed his shoulders and shook him, the dragon unresponsive to him shaking him like a rag doll. Behind them both, there was a soft chuckle at Ferrum's feverous attempts to arouse his brother's attention.   The white dragon stepped into view from behind the doors, dressed in an ebony sweater, wings spread out behibd him; smelling faintly of lime. "My my, big brother doesn't seem to have any time for you." He chuckled, bringing a finger up to his lips.    "What the fuck did you do to him!?" The metal dragon demanded, glaring up at Relin from over Ferrum's shoulder. His gun glinting in his hand. The white dragon stood unfazed, tapping his chin, "Hmm, perhaps I did something...or maybe your brother was just getting tired of your annoying attitude. You know how much he did hate to have you as a little imperfection of a brother." "FUCK YOU!"    A loud bang of gunfire as he lifted up his weapon, a silence falling over the rest of the move. No one made a move as Relin tilted down his chin and grinned. A silver bullet caught inbetween his teeth.    "Wonderful now, what a few genetic enhancements can do, microbots was it? Ah, yes. To a human, they do nothing more than make the old feel young and the young feel older. To a dragon though..." He clenched his fist, grinning, "They are a wonderful little boost. I can see why you trust so much in human technology Ferrum. Off course, they are wonderful craftsmen of older weaponry." [img][/img] Out of nowhere, they rushed in, geared in something akin to an armored hazmat suit. Dark goggles hiding their eyes. Like well trained soldiers, they lined up on either side of the grinning dragon. Each holding long guns, that to Ferrum's surprise and dismay were not made of any type of metal. The line went on, out of the room and beyond endlessly. An entire army. The white dragon snapped his fingers. As if on que, a armored human brought forth a clothed bundle. A grey concrete handle sticking out. He reached for it, revealing a long crystalline blade as the cloth fell away. Crafted from an elerium shard, a small gem like orb filled with some sort of dust set into the centre of it's hilt, "I doubt, any of you. Even you Ferrum, have seen such a wonderfully made weapon. One that literally lusts after your power...."    He snapped his fingers again, "Get them." He voiced and Anemoli was the first to grab Ferrum, holding him down and keeping pressure on his neck. Not bothering with his gun, Ferrum wouldn't bring himself to harm his own brother. Staring up at Anemoli, Ferrum felt his vision blur as his Anemoli cut off his air. Gasping, everything went dark rapidly.    Meanwhile, the rest of the human guard rushed forward, guns in tow, "Leave the younger." The dragon commanded as they moved to carry out the already unconscious cyan and pink dragons.    The rest rushed towards the group, wonderful pawns. Their minds easily manipulated through their gas masks and head gear. Even then, he had to commend them, a thousand ions without his influence and they had gone farther than he had ever anticipated. Yet, they were still rather weak, he had to give them a little further push or else they wouldn't have been of any use to him. It was still commendable; the pace of which they went producing armor and weaponry with just a few drops of blood and scales from the wind dragon. Wonderful little toys to the scientists and like spoiled children or desperate dying humans, they were eager to obtain more.    This would give them more than enough surely. He grinned and stepped forward, as Regnum leapt into the front line of soldiers, roaring visciously as he began to cleave through them effortlessly, sheer force in numbers would win this, not brute strength. He had bigger things to worry about, such as those who chose to escape up the stairs. The humans rushing to overcome those blocking the way. They had the right of mind, not to fight, though most had fleed on split second decision. His army was still stronger overall, fearless, suicidal even as their armor wore thin and their visors were smashed. Skin burnt down to the bone and torn awsy. Midst the fight, he caught the fire dragon's gaze. It spoke for all of them; the shock, the horror....the anger. He figured they would be more prepared, considering their tactful leader. He grinned at Regnum and mouthed, "Your fault." Before he turned and continued his way. The fire dragon trying to break free from the numerous humans, like sheep to the slaughter. His sword dragged across the floir as he ascended the stairs. The windows bolted, everything shut off, their safe haven had become a cage, the place of their last stand. Trapped like rats, and he the dutiful pied piper. Bringing them all to....a better place. His beautiful kingdom, born from one in ruins. Didnt they see? It was all for the greater good, byt as always....they just put him down didn't they? He was the brat, the weakest. The one who was better off dead because he was living off pure luck. The traitor...the whore...the filthy outcast. He sure showed them now, didn't he? Who was FILTHY NOW? HE WOULD SHOW THEM! YES!....yes, he would. He would spill their own blood and show them, just how filthy they were. Their rotten inards, their dirty hands....spilling human blood....the monsters...[/hider]