Me too, I really want them to end up together ^^ Larry can gtfo XD Yeah you really do relive a moment when you look back over a drawing, the Dean even talked about that in one of his lectures when he was telling us how important it is as designer/artists to be constantly sketching. It's like when you doodle in your notebook in class and end up actually taking in more of the lecture than if you were just sitting there day dreaming. When you sketch something, you end up taking in all the details of your surroundings. It's so zen! haha xD I don't really ever draw people, unless they happen to be sitting the scene x) Some of my lecture classes have been like 400 students in an auditorium and I [i]have[/i] sketched peoples profiles and the backs of their heads like a weirdo x) But yeah, mostly places and things. Woah that's cool that your dad plays rugby! My dad plays golf, pfffftt boooring haha xD He drags my brother off to play too and tries to bribe me to go and I tell him I will if they rent a golf cart and I get to drive it, but he prefers to walk x) That is so funny, I had no idea rugby was a thing in Canada. My high school definitely didn't have a rugby team. Into rugby and soccer (players) huh xD Yeah me too #every_player_on_the_US_womens_national_team haha. Apart from soccer and college football, I really like watching hockey x) Me, my dad, and my brother are Carolina Hurricane fans and since they're based in Raleigh, we go see them play all the time. Basically all the players on the team are from Canada xD Hahahaha "He's wearing cute underwear!" His dad sounds hilarious xD Wait, how did you already know?? Ooo Romea and Juliet sounds like it would be great. Hey did you ever get a chance to watch Black Swan btw? Heh, I kinda feel the same way, there's something about Brienne that kind of, idk, puts me off. Although I liked her more in the recent episodes. It's true that she's almost too good. It seems like most Game of Thrones characters have something to hate and love about them and it makes them so much more interesting. Ohhh I did [i]not[/i] like when Sansa lied for Little Finger about him killing her insane aunt. She should of just ratted him out and gotten rid of that motherfucka D< Lol, we can be annoyed at how awesome we are together xD