Moments after Tyriel had spoke the woman turned to look at him. She was quite beautiful he thought to himself. As he walked towards her he could see her hastily scribble something on to a scrap of paper. "Hey, what are you-" Before the words had hardly escaped Tyriel's mouth she had dropped the piece of paper and stepped through the portal of darkness. Walking over to where she had been standing Tyriel stooped down and picked up the paper she had dropped. "Dear Strange Angel, Meet me in Hell at the Gardens of Sin. It's the one place Father can not enter. I have much to tell you Love Princess Arceous." Tyriel had to read the note at least three or four times to fully understand it. He had just been invited by the Princess of Hell, Duaghter of Lucifer to a place in Hell called "The Gardens of Sin". As pleasant as the place sounded the last part was what truely got his attention. She want to tell him something. Though Tyriel had been away from the war for a while now even an idiot would realize information from Lucifer's Daughter herself could be enough to tip the scale in Heavens favor. If that was indeed the type of information she had in mind. On the other hand she could simply be toying with him. She was the daughter of the Lord of Hell and though he couldn't see why she would want to ambush a single angel of little importance the thought still weighed on his mind. After mulling over the many meanings of the message and possible reasons he finally came to a conclusion. He need to seek wise council before acting on this information, not to mention Heaven should be informed of Princess Arceous's willingness, or supposed willingness, to part with information that could be critical to the war. Sighing he realized what had to happen next. "Guess my vacation is over." He said tucking the note into his pocket. Looking around he made sure no humans were in sight before unfurling his large white wings. "TIme to go home." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once Uriel had walked closer Michael turned to him. "I see you have been busy Michael." Uriel said, simply attempting polite conversation "Oh hey, yeah wrath causing problems on earth but that isn't a problem. Once mankind is healed from sin and this bloody war is over there will be nothing for him to live on and they will pariahs like that of a golden flame" Michael said. Ah, Wrath. The tortured human soul that had recently being wreaking havoc on earth. He was simply one of many hundreds of demons causing destruction on earth. Uriel tended to leave such minor demons to the work of other angels, but for some reason Michael seemed to have taken a personal interest in Wrath. Uriel could only wonder as to the reason, but it was neither his place or job to question Michael's actions. Apparently Michael had noticed Uriel's worrying of late as he said, "Uriel you've got to stop worrying about Gabriel. He wouldn't do heaven much good as he is weakest of all the archangels and means nothing to many of the angels. " he said sighing and looking around his large wings folded up slowly. Uriel couldn't say he was surprised by Michael's comment. Gabriel was the youngest brother and was not noted for his prowess in battle as was Michael, nor for his knowledge as Uriel was, but it seemed too harsh to dismiss him out of hand as Michael had. Though he did admit many of the angels saw him as childish there were others that looked up to him, though they were admittedly few. "My worry is only partly for Gabriel, brother, my thoughts weigh most heavily on this never ending war. I'm certain Gabriel shall return in time. I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear. He simply needs time to make up his mind about all that is happening." Uriel said sagely, his thoughts going to his own son Tyriel. Hopefully he would soon return with his mind made up as well...