The cuffs coming off were a major improvement to her day, that was for sure. Emma rubbed them tenderly but no harm had befallen her so she was more than happy to get moving. Being contained was not something she enjoyed and there would be hell to pay, that was certain. "I am interested." She told Erik smoothly. "While you nearly killed me, I can at least commend you for your strength and determination. Charles and his posse never stood out to me, just annoyances." She shrugged. She still couldn't penetrate his mind but she knew that trusting him would be foolish. For now, they just had to remain useful to the other person. Of course Emma couldn't help but bring up his issue of loyalty. She knew what he did to Shaw. She didn't care about Shaw, not anymore. Still, she needed to be aware that if she left him, that it would be on her terms. The last thing she wanted was to make an enemy out of Erik. She just wanted to know that her siding with him was mutual and not at all due to some form of blackmail or threat. "If we join forces, we're equals. Shaw's downfall was his inability to trust in people and while I am sure you have your own demons to deal with, you should know that I don't like to play games with people. I am not your puppet to boss around. I've had enough of that already." She told him.