Name: Abraham Last Name: Stonewall Nickname: Abe, Abraham Six-String, Daddy Appearance: [img=] (Couldn't find a middle aged man in deviant art so I took good ol' Rucks for a spin) Age: Thirty nine Personality: Generally aloof and always thinking heavily, even if that means considering things that aren't particularly important or on the subject. His distraction does not usually cause him to talk less than others though, it just means that he doesn't always think through his words. Even if whatever he says is perfectly reasonable it usually carries along his eccentricities with it. Mutated Power: N/A District: Sabore, off a coin flip between it and Ignori Likes: Children, any old style music or instrumentalism, stories of all sorts, small groups of fine people, night time, family, archery Dislikes: Children, large or tight crowds, thieves, guns, anything close to drugs, addiction, the cold and the heat Morals: Abe has spent a good amount of time considering the weight of his ideals and has met many people with many varying opinions. He has a very strong sense of good and bad yet ignores the bad unless it involves someone he actually cares about. It is only when his ideals are stomped on that he really feels he has to intervene, at some point throwing caution to the wind while doing so. Star Sign: Leo Birth Date: July 28 Theme Song: [center][youtube][/youtube][/center]