Eek! I'm sorry 'bout that.. I must have hit something on the keyboard by mistake. Haha Exactly! Screw you, Larry! I think I should start drawing, or at least doodle more! The way you're talking about it makes it seem so relaxing. I really want to see some of your work!! Man, you just are so passionate about it. I love, love, love listening to people talk about things they are interested in because, even through a computer screen, you can tell just how happy it makes you! :D Yeah! He is the oldest member in the club and every year he says that he is going to quite.... but he never does :p But golf is cool! And actually really hard... I've played it a couple times and it actually takes a lot of skill!! Although, if I were to actually go golfing there is no way I wouldn't get a cart! What is he thinking?! ;) Yeah! It is, or at least around here it is. And I prefer soccer players to rugby players but they're still a close second! All of these are after dancers, of course :p Hehe, Go Canada! That's funny, I like it! His dad is hilarious! I like his parents a lot because it isn't awkward around them. Like we'll be hanging around his dad and Josh will just like hug me and kiss me and all of that and his dad will just be like "aww so cute" where as the one time I kissed him in front of my parents they freaked out and were all weird. I feel more couple-y when I'm around his parents and around mine I just feel all awkward and first date-y. And oh... yeah... they were red with a blue elastic... hehe x) It was! The man dancing Mercutio was my favourite XD Ooh! Yes, I actually did and was it ever fucked up! I watched it with Josh and before the movie even started I was like "you best not touch me boy, I actually want to watch this one!" so we basically spent the entire time psychoanalyzing the shit out of it and holy hell... the only way I can describe it is just super fucked up! Idk why I just can't get into her character at all.. I kinda hope she dies soon. Maybe it's because of my tendency to lean towards bad characters. Like I honestly didn't want Joffrey to die at all. I hated him, but I loved him at the same time! Weird, right? As for Sansa and Little Finger... *shudders* ew ew ew ew ew with a side of motherfucking EW! That's all I have to say about that D: I like that idea! <3 Hahaha