And here we are! [b]Name:[/b] McKenzie Freeman. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Guardian:[/b] Her grandmother, Ginger Freeman. [b]Physical Description:[/b] McKenzie doesn't stand out in a crowd. Her height and build is average; her skin complexion pale and creamy. Her hair is fine, straight and falling down to her lower back, the yellow color of a sunflower. Her eyes are a fine blue, almost ice blue, having the typical blonde-haired, blue-eyed look. She loves dresses and is rarely seen in any sorts of pants. She is typically covering herself up with a shawl or something of the sort; she doesn't like any skin showing because of the noticeable abuse her grandmother left on her. [b]Mental Description:[/b] McKenzie is an unhappy and depressive girl. She often yearns and wants things she can't have and that leads to her becoming very angry and violent. She was like this as a child and she couldn't have friends because she would hurt them when she wanted something they had. She doesn't want something from everyone but if she does find something she wants, she tries to take it in a violent way. She's very dark and doesn't often think life is worth living because she can't have everything she wants. The only time she seems to be truly happy is when she's conflicting pain to get something she wants. [b]Illnesses of the Mind:[/b] Very, very envious and quick to anger and violence. Comes off as someone who doesn't care for anyone but herself, even if that might be a lie. Indifferent towards anything with feelings and depressed. [b]Illnesses of the Body:[/b] None. [b]Prior History:[/b] McKenzie grew up in a fairly happy home, where her mother provided her with things she needed and taught her the most proper manners. McKenzie was still unhappy, despite this, and it was deemed she had severe depression. This caused her to grow up with dark thoughts and always wanting things she couldn't have, especially from people her age. It made her lash out and her parents were at a lost on how to deal with her. Especially when she would lash out at them and hit and scratch them. Not knowing what to do, they sent McKenzie to live with her grandmother, Ginger. Ginger was a hard woman who didn't take no for an answer and she used the old-fashion way of beating to punish McKenzie for doing something bad or lashing out. This only increased McKenzie's depression and darkness and it made her hate her grandmother. McKenzie never made any friends because of the way she was and she was often in trouble for attacking someone to try and take something she wanted (this doesn't just mean objects; sometimes, she would envy another girl's hair and would try to rip it from her head). When her grandmother caught her cutting the fur from her beloved pet cat (McKenzie loved how soft it was and wanted it for herself), she sent her to St. Vincent in hopes of the girl getting help. [b]Likes:[/b] Material objects. Dresses. Fur. Usually boys. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Other girls. People having things she wants. Her grandmother and parents. Getting hit/hurt. [b]Goal:[/b] She honestly wants to learn how to control her anger and to calm down and how to be happy. Not that she wants to stop hurting people and trying to get what she wants; she just wants to learn to control herself better. And to kill her grandmother and parents. [b]Dream:[/b] Her honest dream is to find love and have everything she's ever wanted, to finally feel truly happy and beautiful. [b]Primary Sin:[/b] Envy. [b]Darkest Desire:[/b] To find other girls with gorgeous hair and scalp them, keeping the hair as wigs so she could change her hair style everyday.