Dominick opened his eyes. Not that he could see anything. He felt cold, sweaty, but the wind on his skin suggested that he was outside. Soon he felt warmth like from the sun, but he remembered falling asleep in his bed. Was this a dream? Strange, as normally he could see in his dreams, but here was different. Here was... It was still a dream, he knew. But somehow he couldn't see. He reached around for his cane but found nothing. Nothing but a voice and what felt like a gun. [b]"The hell?"[/b] Than there was a voice. A girl's voice. She wanted him to wake up, warning him that he will stay this way forever if he doesn't. She told him that something was coming, and he needed to use the gun to fight them. [b]"Fat load of help that does for me than..."[/b] Than he heard something else, something much more horrible. Silence. The voice was gone, but now Dominick could hear the shuffling of movement. He couldn't see what had found him but he knew that the girl was gone, and something was here to hurt him, and all he had was his gun. A gun he never used before, and indeed he never fired a gun in his life. Least of all after he became blind. So what else could he do, but to listen carefully and shoot the gun in the general direction of wherever the noise was coming from? And so he did. He listened, and than fired, pulling the trigger, hoping that somehow this dream gun was going to get rid of these nightmares.