[b]Name[/b]: Yamato Naoe [b]Nickname[/b]: - [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Partner[/b]: None. [b]Abilities: [/b] [i]Physical:[/i] This varies immensely. The "body" has the skill to fight in close and ranged combat with wonderful proficiency, but whether or not the current self can tap into that full potential depends. The less restrained selves, those that kill without thinking, tend to be better able to access the body's capability. [i]Soul Perception:[/i] "Average" talent in the skill. [i]Soul Variance:[/i] One would assume that madness as a force of chaos would be easily conducive to such a being, but this is not the case. Compatibility with madness is low. Nonetheless, unique state of the soul due to fluctuations allows for a strange state of affairs when wielding a weapon. Form of the weapon's Soul Resonance and expression of the weapon's power changes when the coefficient of the soul changes. If it were possible to prompt changes in the psyche repeatedly, making Yamato go through several different "selves" in a single instant, these different expressions of soul energy could possibly be compounded. As is though, this simply makes fighting him an irksome thing, as his style and abilities change faster than an opponent can often keep up. [b]Extra Equipment:[/b] Energy Conduit Ring, a small ring with an emerald inset, designed to "store" different states of Yamato's soul orientation. Essentially an energy storage unit used during things such as Resonance to better the power and variance of the Resonance. Must be "recharged" after each use appropriately, as otherwise it's obviously not storing anything. [b]Appearance: [/b]A man who stands at average height, who has short cut light brown hair on his head. He has a pair of piercing brown eyes, and pale skin as well. He has an average build, yet he has built up some stamina and muscle that is normally hidden by his overall appearance. He wears a pair of silver glasses on his face, which he may or may not adjust or fiddle with when he in thought. He wears a long black trenchcoat with long sleeves, a simple white button up shirt with the top button undone, a pair of tall black boots, a black tie with silver colored thread, a pair of simple and long black pants, and a black belt with a white buckle. His overall look is definitely capable of being summed up by "average". [b]Personality:[/b] The original designation can be summed up as a defect. A complete and utter defect. For you see, if what we call the "real" is the way the exterior, the "world" acts as a coexistence which puts the existences of selves together, then this self is one who paints himself atop the world. A mind which "should not be", as it repels the function of a mind by virtue of what it is. Insanity is a trite word, thrown around from person to person to describe states of affairs so often that it has become meaningless. Sociopathy, psychopathy, monstrosity, evil, lack of rationality, lack of restraint, a desire to see what color they bleed when you carve them open to consume what pours out- No, no, in that respect he is not "insane". -As the word "insane" implies that one functions on that binary scale of sanity and insanity. If the mind is a number line, it can be regarded thusly. Sane is positive, insane is negative. Insanity can become sanity, and vice versa, if it interacts with the right sorts of other numbers, other minds. They function in the same "realm", along the same "scale". To further the analogy, Yamato's mind is "i". The only "i". For no matter how much you toy with "i", no matter what you do, interacting with numbers which are on the line, minds which "are", will not change its status as "i". This is why his core cannot change, though the way it operates may. The "i" may become positive or negative, or gain a great or minuscule coefficient, but it will always be "i". Always and forever, until death is reached and "i" becomes "zero". To call him a human is a foolish gesture. He is not the psychopath who saw all that is beautiful as disgusting. He is not the sociopath who wondered what it would be like to twist the knife. He is not the child who would run through the park, or the feeble little toy that would break so easily. From the beginning, he has viewed the world as a desolate moon, the ground ready to give way at any moment. It could be said he is fully trapped in the Cartesian Circle, as the only thing not ready to fade is himself. His actions cannot be called actions because they lack any purpose. Even a madman acts for some purpose, for some desire to feel or watch or know, but not Yamato, never Yamato. In that respect his personality is inexpressible. At one moment he may appear as a psychopath ready to slit your throat, the next a shy boy with a black innocence. These moods are merely the expressions of a current state, the coefficients to his "i", and so will whirl and turn and vanish at any given moment. All that will ever remain is that nothingness, that void. His personality is "nothing" because there is no substance, because the core that it all revolves around is nonexistent. So he'll don mask after mask without caring, he'll cry as he watches the light leave your eyes and then grin as he thrusts the knife in further, because that's all he can do. All he can do is keep digging, further and further into himself as he speaks to others. Keep burrowing and hitting and slapping. Perhaps, then, perhaps one day he'll be able to multiply himself by himself, "i" by "i", and leave the cursed plane of existence that he doesn't even realize is cursed. Maybe then he'll finally have a true personality of his own. It cannot be said that such a thing is his goal or dream, as he cares not for such ideals, but merely a possibility that lurks in the horizon as the madman who is not mad continues living. The possibility of being...human, for once. [b]Biography: [/b]The son of a Japanese Meister of a father and the Italian Weapon of a mother, born in a state which borders that of the academy. A being who was raised as a child with a mental disorder, nothing more and nothing less. Was called to the academy simply on basis of lineage, and was urged to attend by his parents who believed more meaningful societal interaction could "cure" him. A simple enough life. [b]Fears/Weaknesses:[/b] Fear under his mindset is impossible to properly qualify, but it can be said he has an aversion to "death", as a state of nonbeing. The specific fears of each coefficient change when they do, for instance the quiet boy fearing a sudden crash in the night, the psychopath fearing the realization of his own monstrosity, the narcissist of being outdone by another. Weaknesses are similar, but one that remains constant is the lack of cohesive strategy he is able to form, due to being in a constant state of flux regarding his mental states. [b]Other:[/b] N/A --- [b]Name:[/b] Karina Nekata [b]Nickname:[/b] - [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Abilities:[/b] Imaginary Phantasm, Reduction Magic, Soul Protect, Familiar Creation [b]Extra Equipment:[/b] Specter Familiars, Glass Shards [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Karina][img=http://i.imgur.com/Z9eJOdr.jpg][/hider] A girl who appears to have never hit puberty, much to her annoyance. Standing at a sparse 133 centimeters and weighing a mere 34 kg, Karina is best and simply described as a grade schooler in appearance. When not in a predetermined uniform, she dons a pure white robe similar to that a miko would wear, one that adds a sort of dignity to her otherwise diminutive frame. A childish innocence and dark blue hair of a length reasonable for one who appears to be at the age of a child. [b]Personality:[/b] Such a calm mask, lackadaisical and simple. Friendly and outgoing, silver-tongued, never speaking out of turn, never rude or derisive, always so calm and collected until one peels back the skin. Odd. Such an odd construct. All too often, words and thoughts are moved into the void. Burned into nothing. Unmade by their own creator, god of its domain. She had no need for them currently. She cannot allow herself to muse for too long, her mind is a place that not even she can bear to stand within for too long. She sees the world as an assortment of events that she cannot understand, and to that end she has tried to comprehend it with all her ability. Even with knowing of gods, the Truth eludes her. Philosophy, she has read far too much in such a quest, and it has not been enough. The world irks her, the way it eludes her understanding, and to that end she has decided that it does not deserve to be understood. So many things were false. If language wants to "speak the language" of illusion, it must become a seduction. As for "speaking the language" of the real, it would not know how to do it...because language is never real. Whenever it appears to be able to designate things, it actually does so by following unreal, elliptic, and ironic paths. Objectivity and truth are metaphoric in language. Reality is constrained by a lack of reality. Boring. Boring boring boring. So then, let us have a bit of fun. Let us try to find the real. Others, others are interesting to her. They are not a part of World, they are their own enclosed world. Her mind, her individual world frightens him, so she enjoys looking into the minds of others. It's so very interesting, seeing how they operate. As she learns how they operate, she learns how the world operates, and from there she moves towards what she considers his purpose. Understanding her own nature. But now, now we look back to the odd. Insane. Yes. She is most definitely mad, despite what her exterior might imply. One could say that the outside she puts up is a different sort of Karina, and the inside is not her true self but just a different valence of her. Regardless, she is not an ordinary being. All the same though, she is rational. She understands and reacts as if to say that the outside Karina is the true core. Morality, an odd construct and a decidedly human one, but one that she finds endearing all the same. Perhaps that is why she fears the depths of herself, because she worries that she will truly become a monster. A strange word, monster, but not one that fits her. A shell with a contradiction at its center. This. Is. Karina- a monstrous girl with a silver tongue- who will observe and observe and observe, calm and psychotic and strangely caring. She has to go outside herself and into you, after all, or she'd have to go deeper into her mind. And her mind is such a frightening place. [b]Biography: [/b]Born into magecraft, forged and tempered with magecraft, the essence of Karina is rooted in the essence of magic itself. Though she attended schooling and wore the guise of human, this came secondary to her instruction in the art of her family. Her gift was nurtured and perfected at a young age. The problem with nurturing the power without ensuring the stability of the mind though, is that the mind can go mad. So she wondered. She wondered what would occur if she broke the unsaid rules. Suppose...suppose I were to kill them all. So she did. Such is all that needs to be said. She was stronger, so she won. And of course she felt bad, so she thought he could bring them back, could conquer and control life and death in full. But that couldn't happen, no, that was against the rules. So...so then, she wanted to find a way to make the world better. "You have power but are disgusted with the world. Do you change the world, or yourself?" The world. Always the world. So she would observe and break everything that was. She'll do it all for them, all for you, so the world can improve. Before you can fix a watch, you must pry off the back. Before you can fix the world, you must purge it completely. She's such a kind person. [b]Fears/Weaknesses: [/b]Fears isolation. Not in the sense of having nobody to be with or care for, but isolation in the sense of being the only being left, in the sense of the world dying and leaving her alone. Underestimates descendants of man, overestimates descendants not of man. Prone to sneezing fits. Is loathe to make long-winded, convoluted plans. Prefers what she calls the Occam's Razor approach, even though that isn't actually what Occam's Razor means. [b]Other[/b] [hider=Keywords] [b]Imaginary Phantasm[/b] Operates based on the principles of Numeric or Arithmetic Magic. A limited form of transmigration of numbers cross-applied to the complex plane and then to both numerical and non-numerical circumstances. The ability to move things between operating on the "real" and operating on the "imaginary" levels of reality at will, or vice-versa, numerically or not, through incorporation rather than "imposition" of magical energy. For instance, with this a child's imaginary friend could become "real," though the strength of the concept is directly proportional to the strength of its ability prior to being changed. A child with little imagination, for instance, will create an inferior "friend" to one with a greater imagination. [b]Reduction Magic[/b] Operates based on the principles of Numeric or Arithmetic Magic. A limited form of transmigration of numbers cross-applied with the magics of "destruction". The ability to "make something different" coupled with the ability to "destroy something," cross-applied to a numerical plane. Revolves around the idea of changing a value, positive or negative, into "zero." Is not to be confused with changing things from zero to non-zero, for instance, when picking a card from a deck having it be a card that was never in the deck, but rather doing something such as reducing the odds of drawing the king of spades from 1/52 to 0. [b]Soul Protect[/b] The standard fare for witches. [b]Familiars[/b] Specter-type familiars. Incapable of interference on the physical plane outside of forms of "communication", however as a result they are incapable of being infringed on by beings of the physical plane. Best termed as "fake" familiars, things which are not actually real, and thus while they cannot be harmed even by magical attacks, they are entirely limited to viewing and communicating, making them utterly useless as combat familiars. Used for such aspects as surveillance and long-distance messaging. [b]Glass Shards[/b] Clean-cut pieces of glass carried on Karina's person. Not enchanted, not special. Utterly mundane in every sense. Reflective. Will likely cut you if you try to touch an edge. [/hider]