After watching Days of Future past, been craving to play the younger verison of Eric. I need somebody to play the younger Charles :D want at least 2-4 paragraphs, One at least if you have to XD Sex faded to black Note; only message me if you are going to follow through and rp with me Rp romance or non romance [img=] Plot 1 Hiding things- Erik hasnt been well for nearly a week, but he refuses to let Charles know and tries to hide it. Though Charles finds out hes ill when Erik can't hide it anymore. But when he collaspes during practising with his powers, he seems to need a lot of help. Charles finds Erik is sicker than hes been letting on. Plot 2 - Power troubles- Erik has been struggling with his powers, when he finds he can barely lift a thing, He seeks out Charles for help, finding that he misses his friend. Though Charles discovers there is something else hindering Eriks powers other than mental stress . Plot 3: Just trust me. -When Erik returns to the mansion none of Charle's students trust Erik anymore. Erik seems to be losing control with his powers.Charles tries to help him gain control. But Erik ends up accidently injuring Charles because he barely knows what he is doing. With Charles badly injured it leads to the other memebers not wanting to trust Erik again. But Erik is determied to help Charles. Plot 4; Staying in bed- Erik finds Charles hasnt got out of bed one morning and goes to see if he is ok. He finds that Charles is feeling sick. Erik ends up looking after him, but when Charles gets worse, Erik starts to worry more. He is determined to help him get better though. Plot5 Breaking Point- Charles has been captured and somebody has been torturing him and making him suffer. Erik finds out and is furious. He goes to rescue Charles and finds that Charles is close to mentally broken and is very badly hurt. Erik knows it will be a long time before Charles is himself and looks after him and tries to help comfort him, Erik though wants revenge and to kill the ones who harmed Charles. -Will add other plots as think of them or can discuss on Pm