[hider=James Heinson][img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/098/6/1/another_green_magician_d__by_rebornartist-d4vh87e.png][/hider] NAME James Heinson NICKNAME "Fortune Teller", "that kid with the playing cards" GENDER Male AGE 16 ABILITIES Arcana Magic: Unlike most witches, James does not have an animal theme for his magic. Instead, his magic is derived from the Major Arcana. [hider=Arcana The Magician]James' most basic spell, this is a passive one that acts as his soul protect and hides his nature from meisters.[/hider] [hider=Arcana The Sun]This spell could only be used during daytime. When he casts "Arcana: The Sun," the rays of the sun concentrate upon his palm and creates a non-physical ball of light with the same kind of energy used by the sun (in magic terms) except on a much smaller scale. He is able to use this spell to light up dark paths or blind an opponent. When used during cloudy/rainy weather, the use of this spell will make the sun shine through and changing the weather.[/hider] [hider=Arcana The Star]This spell can only be used during the night. When cast, James creates a barrier around himself that is 5 metres in diameter. This magic is particularly volatile and not even he knows how it fully works, as it enforces an absolute ceasefire zone - weapons in the barrier will be forcefully returned to their human forms and they will be unable to form into their weapon while in the barrier. Offensive abilities are also banned in the barrier as well, preventing the use of offensive spells - even those of James'. However, this barrier is still subject to the laws of power and a sufficiently powerful weapon, meister and/or witch would be able to break through the barrier (if around two weapons try to form into their weapon forms, it should be sufficient to break the barrier. One death scythe can easily shatter this barrier). One violation of the laws of the barrier is sufficient to shatter it, meaning that if one weapon manages to shrug off the barrier it will shatter, allowing any other weaker weapons to transform too. [/hider] [hider=Arcana The Moon]This spell can only be cast on a clear night. James creates a thick fog in his immediate area, obscuring vision and allowing him to make a quick getaway in case he is confronted by a meister. [/hider] [hider=Arcana The Tower]James is able to establish a territory of a 100 meter radius. Within this territory, the defensive properties of Arcana: The Star is doubled and James is able to sense danger to him, although he will be unable to figure out the danger in detail. James can only cast this spell after ten seconds of concentration. [/hider] [hider=Arcana The Hermit]Another spell to avoid detection; this spell grants James invisibility on an optical and auditory scale instead of the soul scale that meisters are trained to look for. This spell has no casting conditions. [/hider] [hider=Arcana Wheel of Fortune]Wheel of Fortune - This spell, when cast, activates any of the spells James has learned at random and ignoring their casting conditions. However, while this may be advantageous as it would allow him to do things such as cast "Arcana: The moon" in the middle of the day, he has no control over what spell is cast. It is completely possible that this spell lands on "Arcana: The Magician," locking his abilities under his now useless soul protect. [/hider] Dusk and Dawn: Due to the transitional properties of these times, the sunrise and sunset hours of a day can be considered the times when James is at his most powerful. During these times, James is able to ignore any and all casting restrictions of Arcana: The Sun, Arcana: The Moon and Arcana: The Star. Dusk is defined as the hour before the sun sets, and dawn is considered to be the hour following the moment the sun rises. Arcana Cards: James is able to prepare spells into tarot cards in advance. These cards can then be used to activate a spell even when James has his soul protect on, provided that the casting conditions for that spell are met. EXTRA EQUIPMENT A tarot deck. That's all. PERSONALITY James usually appears as a fairly amiable and friendly person, always willing to help out the people around him. Although he has power as a witch, he prefers not to use it except for good purposes, trying to break out of the idea that witches would be naturally evil, and as such he would much sooner use Arcana: The Sun to clear the weather for a community picnic rather than to fight. When confronted by a meister and or a weapon, he will usually try and talk things out with them. If the said meister is willing to let him go, then James would be glad there is no need for violence. However, if the meister insists on trying to take his soul for his weapon then James will utilize his magic in order to escape. When not threatened with life threatening situations, James is a rather casual man who does not shy away from using magic, although he will try to keep it hidden. He is also willing to cooperate to protect people, often helping identify and (anonymously) reporting corrupted human souls for the DWMA to take care of them. BIO James was born into a family of witches, but as he matured he quickly discovered that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with the whole matter. More specifically, he wanted nothing to do with the sway of magic which his parents tried to have him succumb to - his father pushing him even harder when his mother was killed by a meister and weapon pair. However, without even fully understanding why himself - perhaps it was believed people had an inherent goodness or he was just extremely pissed off at his parents for treating him like garbage over a choice he initially only casually and half-heartedly made - he ran away from home and rejected the sway of magic. Fleeing the witch's assembly and his family in general, James found solace in, ironically, his magical abilities - tarots, arcana, the cards from which he could divine the truth of the world. Taking refuge in them both physically as well as emotionally, he travelled the world as a fortune teller, never using magic except for in good deeds or in exceptionally dangerous and desperate situations. Nowadays, he goes wherever he feels the cards tell him to head, learning more about the world his parents tried to inspire him to hate. FEARS AND WEAKNESSES The fact that he morally cannot use offensive spells yet Falling under the sway of magic His casting conditions for certain spells can only be circumvented by very luck based methods. OTHER - Seeks to join the Yggdrasil organization.