[center] [b] [u] Acacia Malikov [/u] Grand Hall [/b] [/center] Acacia had eventually moved herself to somewhat mingle within the crowd. She hadn’t noticed much and kept to herself even within the shroud of blurred colours wrapped around figures of all shapes and sizes. Her pale eyes averting direct converse with those around her and her slender fingers gripped the leather leash tightly. Almost from what seemed like a fear. She mumbled lightly to herself as she spun with people moving so fast and had caught glimpses of what seemed like many with the same masks. Her eyelids fluttered under the mask she wore and she almost gasped as she walked into multiple people. Koshmarik causing them all to back away at their own pace and remove themselves to different banters happening about. She’d seemingly stopped in place after a few moved away and she’d spin on her heels causing them to clack lightly upon the flooring. Taking her own deep breath only half way through, she then suddenly squealed in a high pitched vocal. Her eyes went wide at the person so near to her speaking loud and clear. She blinked and took a step back her face baring shock as she grasped the leash tight enough her knuckles began turning a pale white. This wasn’t the greatest idea because the canine on the end had raised his head already and was pulling against it with a light rumble in his chest. The suddenness made him stand on edge as he’d change from focusing on the odd people in the room to the one so close and seemingly determined. His maw spread only a few inches, enough to ripple his muzzles bridge like mountains and bare the ivory whites below. She nodded at his question about being new but then shook her head at him asking about the masquerade. She was as lost as him and from the sudden shock she looked like she was probably about to cry or even go off her head. After gaining enough focus she’d look him over quickly and take yet another deep breath “I am new, yes” she huffed the words and fixed herself to a straighter posture, “And no, I know nothing of this event”. The Russian accent rung on her words like it was made to accompany the elegant almost soothing tone. This tone seemed to settle Koshmarik to a degree, but she’d peer down and lightly say in a hushed vocal “Tishina, vse v poradke” she bent over the slightest allowing a spare hand to spread and run from the temple of his head to the base of his neck. “Vniz” she’d gesture with a calm hand to accompany the word and as she raised to look at the man again the canine was already half to his stomach. [hider=OOC] Just because I felt like it ^-^ [/hider]