[quote=Minder]"Need a hand, Mike? Lure him our way, we'll squash him for you."[/quote] mike glowered and was about to reply with a snappy retort before he composed himself, personal pride and refuseing help would land him in an early grave. backhanding the scout mike planted his feet into its chest and shifted to fightermode, full throttle back to wex, and mino. attempting to keep his wounded pride from his voice he opened the viewscreen to tasha's fighter. "much appreciated, the damn bugger keeps zipping around to fast to hit, i'll owe you one" he said, dumping more flares as the warning tone cut over the COM. as the com cut off mike rolled left as another tone started, swirling randomly as he approched his allies, [i] if only it wasnt a scout, i can handle the slower ones[/i] he thought before once again shifting to battleroid, full reverse.