[center][img=http://i59.tinypic.com/14ncqkp.png][/center] It seemed that Tatum wasn’t quite the only one that thought the mere idea of this was a mistake, in her group. The idea of both the mermaids and sirens trying to make peace before this so called party, was one of the stupidest things she had ever heard. Such things had been tried in the past, back then it had not only lead to deaths of the other race, but also humans that unknowingly got caught in the cross hairs, which would lead only to more wars. It was only logical to believe such would happen yet again. However, the leaders were stupid like humans and sought to have peace that would never be there. Though because she sadly wasn’t one of Undine, Tatum had no say in the matter and was forced to swim along quietly with the many others that followed behind in order to protect the leaders. Their trip had of course been unsuccessful, as she would have liked to point out three days ago when they started the journey in the first place, arriving home in the very early hours of the morning. The gates to the town creaked open loudly as they came to them, a light blonde mermaid floating just inside the entrance looking completely disappointed in the group, her arms crossed against her body. [b]“I would assume that by your return, things do not go in the way which I wanted.” [/b]Neema spoke almost harshly as she glared out towards them. Having been born into the role of the leader of the Undine she was of course used to getting as she wished. Making her in Tatum’s mind, stupider than the rest. [b]“I assume there is a reason that things didn’t go smoothly?”[/b] She asked eyes pointedly looking at Tatum, already blaming the one person from the one family she didn’t like. [b]“Yes! Because this whole damn idea was so stupid that even the sirens could see that it would never fucking worked!”[/b] Tatum snapped at Neema, her tired mind not even really thinking of the rebuttal of her words. Not even seeing the consequences that her actions would have, but the insult that was pointed towards her. Turning away Tatum left the others in order to not only calm down but to get away from the one person she would likely ever feel hatred for. Swimming towards the Island closest to the city, she sat in the sand until her skin finally dried out enough to be able to walk on two legs like the humans do. Even though she hadn’t been on Grey Island very much lately, she very often came here to get away from the others. Most of the others didn’t like to be out of the water more than they had to be, however, for her it made the perfect place to get away. She closed her eyes lying on the soft grass. The sound of a boat being pulled to shore wake Tatum, making her peek through the bushes, on the land near the beach. She most had fallen asleep here, and she couldn’t help but be surprised that someone else was here. It was not a common site for others to be here, let alone humans. They always seemed to stay busy in front of their little boxes, and little time with nature. She watched the human closely as he started walking the other way, before heading quickly back to the water, jumping in. Normally she would rather stay away from humans, they were dirty beings, and often threw their trash into the water. Still the fact he was here did peek her interest enough to follow him from the water around the Island to see what he was doing here. If he tried to bump something in the water, then it would only be fair to lull him into the water for what he had done. The longer that he walked without doing so, the more curious and totally careless she got. Not even realizing that he had seen her until there was a gun pointed at her. Tatum's eyes widened in shock of the rash reaction from the human, looking back at the water. She could easily get away, just dive under the water, likely before the trigger to that gun was pulled. Get the others and come back to attack the human as he was now with her. However, he would probably be gone by then. His words brought her glaze back to him, eyes narrowing. [b]"Who is the stupidest? The one watching, or the one that pulls out the gun?"[/b] She yelled up at him, tone almost matching his, finding it rude that he thought she would lull him away into the water for the hell of it, like a siren. [b]"I was here first you annoying little human. If anyone should leave its you!"[/b] She added keeping to the harshness that he had started out with. [center][url=http://www.polyvore.com/river_island_fringed_brief/thing?context_id=9686979&context_type=user_fav&id=110296851]Outfit[/url][/center] [center][img=http://i62.tinypic.com/sdpx8x.png][/center] The whole council room was clearly on edge listening and watching Sable and the young witch fight argue with the young brunette. Tobias sat watching the exchange between the two quietly, however, the only thing he could think of was the fact that, though he agreed with the witch. She was ruining everything he had been planning since hearing about the upcoming party. Of course his plan had nothing to do with the others, he already knew that they wouldn’t help. Sable had such a tight hold on most of the others, that even though Dahlia was making a good point, they would never agree, as Sable would never agree. His reasoning only proved right as Sable tried to say the war was avoidable. If it wasn’t them that started the war, it would be another race that started it. If they started it, however, that would give them all of the power. They would be the ones in control of the war, instead of pawns in it. However, none of the things the witch was putting out on the table to the others would help him. Now they would be watching to make sure that the coven behaved, he was older then Sable of course and had been working for years to get the man to trust him. So that the annoying man was out of the way. Now it would be all ruined! Tobias couldn’t help but glare at the woman, letting his mind get clouded with the thoughts of others around the table thinking she had lost her mind. He waited until the motion was carried before getting up and headed to the door, only for a skinny little redheaded witch, Eliza to step in front of him smiling. “Are we going to have lunch together again today, Tobias?” She asked tone hopeful, face red from blushing. His coal gray eyes lingered on her face for a moment, a amused smile on his lips before shaking his head. [b]“I have something else to attend too today Eliza.”[/b] He muttered moving past her. Truth was he had gotten most of the things and information that he had needed from her. She was weak and foolish, but he kept her around, hanging on a thread, just in case. Tobias headed out towards the courtyard following her using the loudest of her thoughts. It was amusing how cocky she seemed to be inside, yet she ran out at the first chance she had. [b]“You are aware of the fact, that you won’t get anywhere like that. Aren’t you?”[/b] He asked her loudly from a little ways behind her, leaning his body on one of the poles holding the roof above the benches. [b]“The best way to get around Sable is stroking the fools ego. While you go about your way stabbing him in the back, and undermining him when he goes a way you don’t like.”[/b] He added much more quietly. Of course what he was saying was much easier for him. His magic being mind magic, he could read the ideas from Sables mind, change the old man’s thoughts to make Sable no longer believe what others had seen Tobias doing. [center][url=http://www.polyvore.com/casual_guy/set?id=124297908]Outfit[/url][/center]