Looking to his son, Koval the Lesser, Koval the Greater imagined to himself what Norsia he might inherit if he one day ascends to the Jarldom of The Province of Arda’Njor. Would it be the Province that he has known most of his life, cold yet prosperous, or would it be the last bastion against invaders from far away lands. Invaders that should have been opposed, but were instead let to encroach upon our sacred Nordic land. He listened to the groveling of those Jarls that had been promised gold and title in exchange for their fealty, and felt disheartened. To know that his fellows, whom he’d respected, could so easily be swayed troubled him. Koval was sure that Jarls of Ashfall and Escgor were promised gold and title in exchange for their support of Henrik. And while he wasn’t entirely sure of the motivations behind the Jarls of Coldmarch or Hjladr’s Vale, Koval trusted only the Jarl of Amriel, Zarathustra. He, like Koval had tested the would be King early, and exposed the weakness of the old Jarl for the moot to see. Henrik’s lack of conviction, one moment declaring that war would come to Gothra, then the next declaring that it wouldn’t, spoke to his inability to lead with confidence. But the Jarlsmoot had spoken, and the support for the Jarl of Tyr was overwhelming. Koval hadn’t expected this support to change when he offered himself as King, but he felt that he owed it to them to at least give them the chance. Henrik, it seemed, would be King. Now, Koval thought to himself as he sat quietly for a long time. Thinking for so great a time, he knew the others would suspect him to declare a revolt, as was tradition. In fact, Koval was contemplating the idea. If Norsia were to survive, it would need strong leadership, and that certainly wasn’t Henrik. But as much as revolt seemed an option, Koval knew that he couldn’t betray the throne. His father, and those before him had all remained loyal to the King, and they’d no doubt seen their fair share of weak leaders. No, Koval wouldn’t stray where his ancestor’s hadn’t, no matter how much the threat of Gothra concerned him, the threat of a divided Norsia was greater. Taking a deep breath before standing, Koval looked one last time to his advisor and friend, Toral. With a simple nod, Toral knew what it meant, and returned it with a cursory nod of his own. [i]“Though the words may not be of genuine intent, they have been spoken by the Jarls.” [/i] Pausing to grant a reassuring glance to Otrygg, Koval then stepped around from the table to approach the place where Henrik was sat. [i]”If it is the will that you be my King, then you too will have the loyalty of my Province, and the people of Arda’Njor.”[/i] With a slow and deliberate motion, Koval withdraws a simple dagger from his waistline, and sets it down before Henrik on the table. [i]”May this dagger represent the willingness of the armies of Arda’Njor, to march at your command, and to wage war with our enemies. It is also the trust that we place in you, to see our borders secured.”[/i] Lowering his head to look into Henrik’s eyes, Koval continues. [i]”It is also my solemn promise, to personally see you to your end, if it is your inaction that leads to the desecration of our Nordic lands, by our enemies.”[/i] With that, Koval takes a single step back from Henrik. [i]”May your reign be just, and may our lands grow great under your leadership.”[/i] Koval then turns and walks away from the Jarlsmoot table, joining his son and Toral as they leave the hall. Leaving behind the King, his crowning ceremony, and looking to the great journey north to Arda’Njor ahead of them. Though loyal to the new King, Koval has no desire to attend a ceremony of his crowning.