[b]"You seem to have survived"[/b] were the Carver's words to Zadok, affirming the mental link but not affirming any confidence in the Anti-Keeper. [b]Some of my key physical attributes are speed and resistance, even in extreme environments,[/b] Zadok replied, although he realised that the Carver would be about as apathetic to his well-being as the Weaver had been, perhaps more so. After a pause, Zadok added, [b]Your battle with the Ripper seems to be at a stalemate.[/b] Zadok looked over to Elysium. His position had since shifted from where the planet was in its orbit, so he began to head over there. He figured that up here in space there was not much that could be done. While on Elysium he would not be able to directly aide the Carver against the Ripper, he would at least be able to keep the threat of Keepers in check and ensure that humanity would not crumble while the Ripper was being dealt with. ---- The Death Spire was about half way done when Calvartem spotted something approaching along the road from the south. He shifted position to get a better view, and he recognised it as the cart he had seen on the way here. They must have spotted his Dungeon, with the ominous tower, dead vegetation and the roaming walkers which would have appeared in response to their presence, and turned around to flee. "Man of fire," Calvartem addressed Conquest, "There is a carriage approaching from the south. There is no doubt that they are fleeing my dungeon, and will try to go around these ruins and alert the nearest major city of my presence. I want you to destroy them." ---- If the Necromancer thought to protect his secrecy, then he had failed already, for a few people successfully fled the village before it was overrun and had made the journey north to Paterdomus. When the city guards saw the refugees arrive and recognised that they came from one of their towns to the south, they ushered them into the city and they were granted audience with the military leaders of Paterdomus. This consisted mainly of high-ranking fire priests. "What ill news is it you bear?" a fire priest asked. A man slowly and nervously stepped forwards. "Our little village of Garmsby has been attacked by a sorcerer with the power to raise the dead." The priests of Caldor turned to each other and spoke in hushed tones. This news clearly worried them, and resonated with the recent rumours of similar events. One of the fire priests spoke up. "Do you have any information about this... sorcerer?" The man trembled as he recounted events. "He rode on a horse as black as night, and he was a skeleton. He used a sort of black fire to make our dead cattle move again, which then killed more of our cattle. We fled the village to keep these women and children safe, but when we were some way away we saw that the village was on fire." At this point the man broke down, and stepped back to be supported by his fellow refugees. The fire priests nodded solemnly, trying to contain the worry from their faces. "Go and rest. The guards will find shelter for you. May Caldor look favourably on the souls of those you have lost. And by Caldor's name we shall not let such an abomination go unpunished."