Tokiko opened her eyes.She was lying down on a hard ground.She stands up and scratched her eye to clear her sight.As she stood up she saw those paper like monsters are coming.She asked herself "is this a dream? or reality?".It's strange because she never had this kind of nightmares.She usually had nightmares with losing in a debate or about spiders.She looked down and she saw a gun.She picked it up and pointed it at those paper monster.She pulled the trigger. Click! Click! Click! The gun wasn't loaded. "The gun wasn't loaded... so useless" she said in a calm voice like she wasn't in trouble.A sudden idea gotten into her mind,the gun has only one bullet like the "Russian Roulette".There are many of them but she is not alone.So she only one shot and pulled the trigger again. Click! Click! Click! still no bullets and it was hopeless. "Hmmm.... it's hopeless and they are getting near" she said "Wait.... this is a dream right? All i need to do is wake up..." she added and looked at the gun "Yeah.... All i need to do is wake up" she said looking at the gun She points the gun at her head then she closed her eyes.Slowly pulling the trigger.