[I]Argonian Invitation, 15th of Mid Year[/I] King Ferrand Bellemont is the first to receive his message, first from one of the Captains of the Guard in Daggerfall and then from a messenger and his escort bearing his crest coming from the direction of Wayrest. In response, he tasks the same guards formerly attached to the protection of the messenger to act as his guards on their journey to Black Marsh. Everard III of Wayrest has also gained his ticket to the hearings there through this and he and his Brothers-in-Arms have incidentally come under the service to King Ferrand unbeknownst to him. Everard III wants to have eyes and ears among the other monarchs of High Rock and Tamriel as a whole during this Summit. ========== Tamrielic Gazette: "The finest reports read by kings and emperors, since 2E 137." Loredas, 28th of Midyear, 4E 205.In this fine week, our journalists traveled far and wide to bring you these news. Cyrodiil: Due to your recent policies and laws enacted after the suspicions of a Cult abducting legionnaires from the roads, a few citizens sprinkled around each city have begun to whisper in ill-will and distrust towards the Legion, very few shaking fists at Gaius himself. On the other end of the spectrum, most tend to either go about their daily lives in the status quo or to offer a word of support to the Legion and a word of argument to those speaking out against what they see as an overblown act of paranoia at what might just be bandits, as far as they know. Consider your populace 60% in favor of your actions, 20% indifferent, and 20% showing varying levels of dislike and distrust for the Triarius Dynasty. Skyrim: Anti-Jartod minor chieftains have mustered forces around Helgen and and Falkreath and are using them as hideouts to block any land trade coming in through the Jeralls through those paths. Consider dealing with them immediately lest poverty strikes in Falkreath Hold. Expect moderate resistance from poorly-trained, ragtag brigands. Southern Elsweyr & Black Marsh: Taking advantage of the recent chaos in Elsweyr, a local pirate has taken to prowling the waters around Senchal and Soulrest, sacking many trade boats and ferries coming to and from the cities. Cyrodiilic sea-trade is not as affected, as the pirates seem to steer clear of the large merchant ships taking goods to the Imperial City. Some fishermen and locals from both cities take this as a sign that these are Imperial Privateers in their waters, whereas some just think they like to keep violent confrontation to a minimum, only preying on the weak. Northern Elsweyr: Like their cousins on the waves, bands of brigands have been spotted sacking caravans and small villages along the border between Pelletine and Anequina, taking advantage of the discord sewn by the Civil War and gaining much plunder. They've already sacked a few caravans coming from other nations holding arms and armor and are growing increasingly bold as their equipment becomes more high quality and their numbers grow. Valenwood: Dominion Loyalists have been offering minor resistance to Pro-Imperial forces around the jungles near Southpoint. Small skirmishes are all that has happened so far. Consider putting Valenwood under Martial Law with the help of the Empire to stamp out the resistance quickly but sacrifice public image of the Keeper, or continue with the course of action of scouring the jungle while taking losses to morale and casualties to troops but keep the status quo for civilians. High Rock: Warbands from the Crow-Wife clan come from the Reach to Wayrest, searching for the blood of Amber-Skin Who-Walks-Alone, or Pirate-Lord Ambrose Mackin. Trade caravans have been seized and either slaughtered or plundered. The Reachmen are indiscriminate, as they also have made incursions on other Kingdoms, namely Jehanna. Hammerfell: Pirate-Lord Dupont is steadily gaining more ships from his raids and is rumored to have plans for a siege of Stros M’kai. Consider investigating these rumours.