I for one welcome FM's new username, as I think it fits her perfectly. Like baklava, she is forgettable, unappetizing, and not worth anyone's time. [quote=Xivilai] I'm interested as well. Since you sort of skimmed over him, I was wondering if I could ask about the character of Kafei. Due to the circumstances of his disappearance (I practically memorized Majora's Mask, that specific section especially) it's very possible he's still alive and quite spry for his advanced age. With that in mind, is he someone you might consider a playable character?[/quote] FM is correct in saying that I have plans for Kafei. It is my [i][b]utmost[/b][/i] regret to inform you that I am only allowing original characters in this roleplay. I am [b][i]so sorry[/i][/b] that I did not make that expressly clear in the information provided above. If you have any further questions, do let me know and I will do my [b][i]very best[/i][/b] to ensure that you are well informed. Character creation materials will be up soon. FM and I have worked tirelessly to create a new character creation system that promotes balance and allows for characters with a more varied or specialized skill set depending on the player's wishes. I cannot overstate how HELPFUL FM has been in this regard. She was with me EVERY STEP OF THE WAY in making this new system. SO HELPFUL. SO MUCH EFFORT. I DIDN'T DO IT ALL MYSELF, HOW RIDICULOUS WOULD THAT BE? HAHAHA WHAT A JOKE. IT'S NOT LIKE SHE'D BE COMPLETELY UNHELPFUL WITH THE PREP WORK OR ANYTHING, RIGHT? oh wait