By the time she had finished her strawberry and banana smoothie – a really [i]delicious[/i] strawberry and banana smoothie – Charlie's glowing blue bracelet felt like a shackle. A shackle that just so happened to scream, “hey, this one's a [i]lesbian[/i], what do you say to that”. She sunk lower into her seat and begged her book to suck her in. All hoping and praying fell short of their goal, however, and soon enough Willow wrapped her fingers around Charlie's arm and pulled her out of the booth. [i]So it begins...[/i] Charlie thought. They darted around the bar, Willow dragging Charlie along, and spoke to a few of the patrons. Slowly, the large room filled with more of the bar's visitors, each wearing one or more glow sticks. Despite her unspoken vow, Charlie found herself looking for the colour blue. After what felt like the ninetieth, but was more likely only the fourth guest, Willow dropped her into a seat at another table. [i]Thank God[/i]. None of the people they spoke to appealed to her in the least. One of them wore a suit, for Christ's sake. “Given up?” Charlie asked, giving her friend no time to respond before she added, “That's a shame. Oh well! Let's go home.” Willow caught on to her ploy immediately – the result of knowing a person for the majority of their life. “No chance, we just have to give it time,” she said, and waved her hands as if meeting people was a piece of cake. Charlie resisted another groan. [i]Think of the amount she'll owe you for this, Charlotte. You can make her bake you cupcakes for a month![/i] Still scanning the bar with her beady little eyes, and tapping her chin with a manicured finger, Willow went on. “Maybe if you just unbuttoned your shirt a bit--” “That's it, I'm getting another smoothie.” Charlie slipped off the chair and abandoned her friend in favour of the juicers. A distantly familiar self-consciousness festered in her gut as she walked through the ever growing crowd to the bar. Did she look stupid? Why did she allow herself to be dragged her in the first place? Relieved at having reached the bar, finally, she asked the bartender for another strawberry and banana smoothie – they were [i]really[/i] good – and a notepad, if they had one.