[B]"Hey, listen!"[/B] a soft voice calls from the darkness, seeming to come from a shining ball of light. [B]"HEY!"[/B], it calls out, more urgently than before. It seems to be calling for your help, but— [B]"HEY, LISTEN! WAKE THE HELL UP!"[/B], a young girl screamed as she grabbed the young sleeping man with platinum blonde hair and pulled him off the bed, jolting his arm behind his back and pushing it with her dainty little foot. [B]"Hey, are you awake?!"[/B], she screamed, causing a clamor early in the morning. [I]Too early..[/I], the young adult thought sleepily as he grabbed her ankle and lifted her up with ease, holding her with one hand while rubbing his eyes with the other. [B]"How about a gentle good morning, sis'? What's all of this noise for anyways?"[/B] he yawned, stretching out his lean arms while still holding the young girl by the ankle. [B]"Brother-r-r.. You've been drafted![/B], she whimpered softly as she looked at him with tear-filled eyes. He blinked his eyes and looked down, realizing how dire the situation had become, [B]"I guess it's time, then.."[/B] --- Hyrule, a once peaceful state, the binds which once held the various races of the land in peace have been broken, with the newest male born to the people of Gerudo. With the balance of fate being pushed askew by a hidden evil force, Hylians have no choice but to fight in the most epic war yet. The war in which the fate of the land— no, the world— hangs on to tightly. These are the stories of Hyrule Warriors: Trapped In Time. --- Welcome to the roleplay, as titled above, and abbreviated as HW:TT. I'm forgetting to put in the I because someone is bound to think wrong about that. Think about it... Anyways, what I was thinking we could have several members of each race forming a party to save the world, with the plot twists and broken time paradoxes we all know and love about the Zelda series. I'm going to call it the Link series, cause I don't give a damn about who's name is in the title for most of the franchise. Erm, anyways, come on down and join the fun. Post your interest and any ideas you'd like to share below or in PM. Happy Roleplaying! =)