The Argonian Invitation Mournhold, Morrowind "Whats this?" Oravos blurted out as Ildoryn suddenly drops a piece of paper on the tray table beside Oravos, who was currently reading through a book written in Old Bretic. "The Argonians have invited us to attend a summit, it would be the perfect time to demand reparations from their attacks." Ildoryn says before crossing his arms together. "Shadowscales... I've read a couple of books about them..." says Oravos before suddenly igniting his hands into flames, burning the invitation and eventually turning it into ashes. "I won't attend this meeting, I have more important things to do..." Ildoryn stood dumbfounded for a couple of seconds, still letting what he just saw sink into his mind. "...but you will attend it in my place." Oravos added while taking out a golden seal, which represents the blessing of the King of Morrowind. "I know you'll do what you think is right for our people" he says before handing the seal over to Ildoryn. ---- Later ---- Ildoryn's safety wasn't taken for granted, even if he was to attend a simple peace meeting. A heavily armed dispatch from Oravos' personal guard was assigned to escort him, along with one of the armored silt striders that was used as a royal form of transportation. After a few hours of preparation, Ildoryn along with escorts traveled south, towards Stormhold. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyrodiil The kidnappings continued further for a week, with the victims eventually becoming tax collectors, town marshals and even unsuspecting nobles, along the eastern front of Cyrodiil. The agents ceased all of their efforts on targeting the Imperial forces when suddenly the Imperial numbers doubled due to the rumors eventually concerning the high ranking officials. Investigations towards the kidnappings reaped no significant results, other than some passerby's seeing hooded figures striding along the streets in the towns at night, carrying their victims into the dark alleys before fading away from sight. With the increased amount of captives, the agents were forced to move to a different location, along with most of the kidnapped people, leaving the previous hideout behind with some of the least important captives still inside. [hider=If located] The hideout is a small cabin deep within a series of tunnels in an abandoned mine shaft not far from the highway leading to Cheydinhal. The captives didn't appear to be famished and had no cuts and bruises, but were locked from the outside, making an escape on their own impossible. The can't speak however as their tongues were cut-off cleanly, as if the ones that did it to them was doing it as an expertise. They also had the Daedric letter "M" inked on their nape. [/hider]