Cecilia gazed into the princess's eyes as she opened them, and saw that they were full of fear. The pirate rose from the bed and stepped back, giving Elena space to gather her bearings. Her cold stare gave Cecilia a chill down her spine, but she didn't let it show. This was her ship, this was her room, and she'd be damned if she let anyone let her feel inferior without her say so. After a few agonizing moments of intense silence, the princess asked the questions Cecilia had been expecting. Cecilia smiled, her teeth gleaming in the dim light of her quarters. She removed her hat and bowed low, one leg extended in front of her, the hand holding the hat bent across her chest. She locked eyes with the princess, "Captain Cecilia Storm, at your service, highness," she said, her tone was taunting. It felt good to be herself and it showed, like the afterglow of the morning sun. "You are aboard my ship, the HMS Aurora, and we are headed to the southern coast of Mera to deliver you. You're worth quite a bit of gold, lady." Cecilia was still smiling and her eyes twinkled with mischief. It was the only way she could suppress her feelings of betraying the princess, among other things. She was a beautiful and intelligent girl, headstrong and brave. All the qualities that Cecilia admired in a woman. She would be lying to herself if she said she hadn't been tempted to ravish her just a few moments ago. Her skin flushed hot and she decided the best course of action was to keep talking. "I do apologize for how you were treated at the party. I understand you must feel a bit foolish, but no cause for alarm, it happens to anyone who meets me," her grin was devilish. "There is no need to be afraid, poppet, you are quite safe here. I've removed the bindings, but don't make me regret allowing you that freedom. I'm sure you'd like to get out of your party clothes," she said as she walked towards her wardrobe. She pulled open the double doors, which squeaked a bit on their hinges. "You may have your pick of anything here. Once you've changed, knock on the door and I shall let you walk on the deck for some fresh air, are we in accord?" She raised an eyebrow over her shoulder. Cecilia moved away from the closet and headed towards the door, the room was stifling her and she needed to get out, fast. She stood with her back against the doors, her hands on the ornate glass doorknobs, "And don't even think about calling 'parlay'. It won't be granted," she said and walked out, locking the doors behind her. She took an enormous deep breath once outside, the scent of the ocean calming her nerves. "What on earth has gotten into me?" she thought aloud. Ramsey stood in front of her with a smirk that said he knew why, but didn't have the slightest inclination to tell her.