[i]Alinor, Summerset Isles, Aldmeri Dominion.[/i] Candles flickered dimly around a solid room with a heavy air in it. In the center was a large table which seemed to shimmer, even with the minimal light. Around it were many chairs and none of the people in those chairs looked particularly pleased. It was the third night in a row they had spent like this, and they supposed there would be many more. A brutish large man with a wolfs pelt draped over his shoulders cleared his throat, and broke the silence. “Damned Imperials are pushing us farther and farther back in Valenwood. I heard we lost near 300 Aldmeri Ships in that damned Docking Incident. You lot know what I could have done for this Dominion given 300 ships..?” Next a hard-faced woman spoke who seemed to have not but cruelty in her eyes. She was Altmer, and proudly displayed the sigil of the Thalmor on her cloak. “Silence, Man. You would doubt your superiors over as minor a setback as this..?” “MINOR?!” The goliath of a man roared, pounding a hand on the table. “Silence.” Spoke Aelid, and though he spoke no louder than a common voice, the room immediately fell silent. “I understand your concern, Wolfsbane. But I believe that is Lord Admiral Orthorn’s issue to deal with.” Aelid nodded to another Altmer sitting around the table, and he nodded. Aelid continued; “Our Bosmer cousins would betray the Dominion to live as sheep under the rule of Man. This foolishness would weaken not only their own nation, but ours as well. Which is why we must do something about this.” Now a man of more slender build spoke, and he appeared to be smoking a cigar of a brand called Old Red, which smoked the room. He had a thin face and a light facial hair, appearing in his forties. “Valenwood is lost, My Grace. Order a full retreat so we may consolidate our men on the isles and plan our next move, prepare for a siege if we must. “ “You would leave my people to rot under Imperial Rule?!” Spoke a bosmer harshly; he wore light chainmail decorated with the sigil of the order of the eight. He sat nearest to Aelid, and appeared to be wearing the signature one-handed swore and dagger of their new infamous fighting style. “Aelid’s Twin Blade Technique has barely been tested in large amounts in battle, other than our rebellion, and it seems fairly obvious we won that. Who’s to say it can’t win back Valenwood?” The bosmer appeared pleased with himself, as the Lord Admiral nodded in agreement. Once more the Imperial man with the cigar spoke, gravely. “It doesn’t matter any even if the Twin Blades DID work! We’ve been getting reports of massive Imperial Propaganda in Valenwood. The Bosmer don’t even WANT our Liberation!” Aelid spoke now, and finished the matter. “The Renshi are not to be used. Not yet. The Bosmer prefer their bows and trees, and the Twin Blade’s would fail in the forest. No, I would send a team of magistrates to perform counter-propaganda, exposing the Empire for what it really is! I would also send a squad of Battle-Mages from the Arcane Society to restore Aldmeri Dominance. I would ask that they would be accompanied by a Battalion from the Thalmor.” The silence that came next was long, as the Thalmor woman from before wrestled with the idea. Instead, she proposed a new question. “And what of the Argonian’s proposal for a meeting? “I will set sail tomorrow. Luckily our superior ships will allow me to sail from here to Black Marsh without need to ever stop or lay anchor. Though it will be a very long trip.” “Surely you jest, Your Grace. You would travel half a continent to speak to a race of barely sentient lizards?” “I would indeed. The Khajjit of Elsweyr have betrayed the trust and friendship of the Aldmeri. It is my understand the Khajjit harbor no love of the Argonians. So, if Elsweyr would turn its back on us, let us see if Black Marsh is more accepting.” “Allying with REPTILES!” She scoffed, and leaned back in her chair, almost amused by the conversation. Aelid spoke once more, hoping he could convince her of her support. “Not only are this, the Dunmer relatively close to Black Marsh. Though they lay far away, perhaps they would pay us more heed than the Bosmer.” At this, the Thalmor Justicar seemed indeed interested, as she hadn’t thought of help from their dark skinned relatives. She had only a minute or two of silence before standing up, and gracefully gliding out of the room. As she left, her voice trailed down the hallway. “A single battalion!” Aelid smiled. [b]Actions: -Magistrates performing Pro-Aldmeri Propoganda -Battle-Mages and Thalmor sent to restore Aldmeri Dominance. -King Aelid and small company set sail for Argonia.[/b]