[b][i][u]Mercy[/b][/i][/u] Mercy was desperately trying to remain calm, especially as another survivor rounded the corner of the store, she tightened her grip on her bow though didn't lift it as she noticed the young man had his hands up and away from his weapons claiming he came in peace...despite the madness she felt a glimmer of amusement flicker across her face at the comment about flags. It was gone almost as quickly as it had come though as Olivia stepped closer to her, she glanced down at the girl feeling her hand rest atop her own. She shifted her weight curling her bow around the girl as if the sturdy wood would assist in protecting her, she was rather unprepared for the maternal instinct that rose within her conflicting with her knowledge of the young girl beside her. She had demonstrated that she was more than capable of defending herself...but Mercy was unnervingly prepared to protect her as well, she felt responsible for her. "White flags...cute" Mercy murmured, the side of her lip twitching up in mirth knowing this wasn't the time for humor but such a friendly approach was a rare occurrence as of recently. She couldn't keep up with everyone as it was and now there were more of them. She relaxed her bow string pulling the arrow away from it and sliding it back into her quiver, pulling her bow up and over her head to rest across her back. She smiled as Olivia offered her voice in support for what she had said, though it faded quickly when she realized how severe their situation was becoming. She listened intently as the girl with the shovel introduced herself and explained about the horde. She couldn't hide the apprehension that entered her expression as Olivia asked if Rena had seen the others, her heart leapt up her throat as she confirmed seeing 3 other survivors across the way a small wave of regret passed over her as she mentioned a woman had been forced to take her life...it couldn't have been Ash, she would never give up that easily, she was more likely to go out fighting, Mercy shook her head steering away from her current thoughts. She felt her eyes drift away from Rena to the houses across from them ignoring the wall of death that was spreading along the road. It meant Ash was alive at least and close by. The hope that had entered her face slipped away however as Rena pointed out how slim a chance it was to get to them. [i]Not impossible though...[/i] She turned her eyes on the dark haired woman at her side, her forehead creasing with worry despite the calm deliverance of her opinion it was true they couldn't risk it. She should have put up more of a fight on this subject, but she was afraid at this moment of being left here alone if she did so she stayed quiet. Besides as much as she wanted to get to Tamashii she felt a small part of her was already tethered to a few of the individuals stood around her..plus Ash would maim her if she put herself in danger like that. Before she could settle her internal dispute the decision was taken from her, Rena begun to yell and push at the girl in the blue dress pointing down the road to the imposing herd of creatures shuffling towards them. Her eyes rested on the blue eyed man they had rescued earlier as he spoke pointing out a path into the forest, her mind begun to whirl in confusion she reached instinctively for Olivia, halting as warm fingers enclosed her other hand she turned her gaze to the dark haired woman, this time she resisted her pull, refusing to move "W-wait" She stuttered in her surprise, glancing at Olivia and the other survivors, she heard the dark haired woman instruct her partner to grab Olivia once he was beside the redhead, Mercy submitted to the other woman's will allowing her to tug her away from the street, she wasn't a huge burden after the initial resistance she trailed only slightly behind the other woman glad for the guidance as they hit the forest path following behind the blue eyed man. She dared to glance over her shoulder as they ran, her eyes searching for Olivia and Tony only returning her gaze forward when she was sure they weren't too far behind.