[quote=Savato] It may have been a widespread belief in the roleplays in order to limit the powers of some people and prevent them from gaining too much. It could also be that Kurama hated the Uchiha due to Madara's manipulation technique as well as Obito's, making people think it would be the same for every other KG. [/quote] Ummmm no. People with KG could become Jinchuuriki in the same manner a person without KG could become one. KG has nothing to do with a chakra monster being sealed within someone. However some other factors come into play when selecting a Jinchuuriki, such as the person's family life and their attitude, except Naruto since he was a baby when it happened. KB, Gaara, are the ones we got to directly see and read about. They also are usually looked after by Kage too. CanonWise: The reason why a Uchiha wouldn't ever be selected as a Jinchuuriki, or even really considered, is the same reason why a Uchiha wouldn't be accepted as a Kage (Something people like to do in Rps lol). The Uchiha are looked at as blood thirsty greedy mongrels who kill each over in order to advance in power. The Second Hokage especially knows how it works. Revenge and what not. Destined for Darkness. People wouldn't be able to sleep at night worrying whether or not their country would be attacked in the dead of night and overran with crimson eyed assassins with more battle experience than you can imagine. Natural gifts that give them a large advantage in a fight. Countries would wage war if an Uchiha became a Kage or a Jinchuuriki.