Jartod seemed to look to the map of Skyrim, viewing a few important trade routes and other places on interest " Sire , reports of brigands on the borders of Falkreath and Helgen , independent reports reveal there lightly armoured and lack training " " Hm.. keep the local's unwary of there movements , send in the Brotherhood to kill there top ranking leaders and officals, once that is done ... the thevies shall empty there coffers ... " A bold plan was laid out by Jartod , knowing that engaging in a full scale assault would terrorize the the locals , he decided to quietly murder the leaders of these groups , one by one. Most of these chieftains would also be just focused on the trade routes as well, so he then moved to another part of his plan, emptying there coffers. He presumed for the most part that these men were looking to get paid after there stunt , so he simple looted there coffers , finally once there leaders dead and coffers empty, these groups would break into a civil war, which would in turn , probably kill most of there numbers. Then, he would send his guards to fight and/or arrest the men and question them for more intel. A bold plan in deed, but he would rather risk blood shed and small trade disruption rather then setting up armed blockades and ambushes of men. Not only that, but two "bandit" groups fighting would be common news for the locals " The Envoy to Black Marsh is ready, with the needed "people" also there sire " Jartod received a note, of the people and there races going there , plus the amount required " Very well, move at haste " [b]Actions - Slow yet guaranteed destruction of anti-Jartod Groups , with less local disruption - Propaganda posted , to lower civilian involvement but also lessen traffic on the roads into the Falkreath Hold - Envoy is going to Black Marsh[/b]