[centre][b]West Watch Tower[/b] Draza, refusing still to approach this scene with violence. Powers of Playfulness and Serenity a-go-go.[/centre] --- “When it comes to kids, everything’s a game,” Draza said up to Esyllt, “It’s why they’re so dangerous, so fun, and so full of OH HEY.” Draza took a slight turn with her sweets in her hands at the sudden outcry of Meryl for the retrieval of snacks and her assistant’s rather cold and efficient dismissal of the mechanical beast of wonders. Draza’s hands clutched the good a bit more tautly, “Gustavo seems to be a trifle unfair in the game, can’t see where the pieces are moving,” Draza shook her head as she did catch eye of the motions of the assassin, something she tried to not let on quite yet. Draza reached into her pack with as much haste as she could manage, “If we’re allowed our stalwart protectors as ancillary pieces, then I want Gahrul. Sneaky right-side attacks call upon valiant broadside defences.” Rummaging with a quickness, she pulled out another small toy, a leather clad and woven ball, tossing it half-hearted to the ground before pulling out her stuffed ogre toy, Gahrul, who was covered in some crumbs and powdered sugar. “All right, here we go. Gahrul, mighty ogre defender of the weak, and stumbling friend to the small. Prone to flipping tables when angered, and turning tables in combat!” With a twist, a pirouette, she turned to the approaching Gustavo, shoved another snack coated in powdered sugar for ‘good luck’ into Gahrul’s ‘grip’ before throwing him at the assassin as she jumped slightly back from his approach. She slightly hoped that the sudden poomf of white sugar would perhaps help reveal the perpetrator as well, or perhaps satisfy his quest for a snack for his mistress, “Go get him, Gahrul! Make him crumble like my cookies have, er,” she brushed her hands on her sides, grinning while hoping her playful attitude towards this rather dangerous game would be appreciated by her competitor, if not by her friends and compatriots, “Well, crumbled on you. And you!” again she turned to point in the direction of Meryl, “If you want a snack, you could just ask. If it’s in the rules for me to share across sides I don’t see the harm in doing so.” She shook her head, “Besides, if you asked nicely, I’m sure I could make sure you only got the best snacks for your tastes.”