Cheydinhal Country. The amassed legion was somehow having no luck in catching the bastards, which made them uneasy. How could an entire legion still not have found them? The Penitulus Oculatus themselves had recently sent three members, including one clairvoyant, but no one really expected anything of it. The legion had failed so far, why on Earth would they succeed now? That was until they found the mine... Following the golden beads that formed on the ground, the clairvoyant lead a contingent of Legionaries into the cabins. Arriving and finding a small cabin encased deep within the mines, the penitus oculatus officer had cast an unlock spell on the door, before busting it open. To say the discovery didn't shock them would be an understatement, as the captives had appeared fine until inspected closer. The "M" on their back spawned no end of conspiracy theories, from Malacath to Morrowind to the deceased Commander Maro... of course, the latter seems most unlikely, and even the drunk who dreamed it up later called it silly once sober. None the less, there is a growing sense of tension among the legionnaires, and once the rumours of executions of Imperial Sympathisers in Morrowind reached their ear, corrupted to sound some times worse as it had travelled, the men wanted blood. Whether it was the work of Morrowind or Malacath, this revelation of executions in Morrowind had painted the image of the legion, and the Legate was seeking permission to invade. Understandably, he was meeting little progress at the time being, for various reasons... Most of all because the letter M was weak evidence. The alleys of Cheydinhal begin to see increased guard traffic, and legion patrols have relaxed on their personal defence using their weaponry, but keep the eyes of Hawks on anyone who so much as looks suspicious. Since the rescued captives can no longer speak, they are instead told to write statements to be given to the legions, and in the great hall of the castle, under the protection of the legion, they do just that. This finding is officially announced to the entire town by the Count, though most already knew from word of mouth. The Legion was sure that this discovery would draw support back to them as those who had been doubting their response realised that there truly was more to this than met the eye. A poster campaign is also started, encouraging citizens to stay with friends, raise their guard, reporting anything suspicious to the Watch as well as ensuring that they are always within eye sight of a guardsmen or legionnaires, and not to approach suspicious strangers. They also advise against being out at night, and remind all citizens to lock their doors. "If one must travel" One such poster states while displaying a drawing of a merchant on the roads with the White Gold tower in the background, with a rather sinister looking shadow figure brandishing a knife skulking behind him "Then ride with a legion patrol as much as possible, they are here for your protection. Be wise. Be safe. Be aware." Others encourage citizens to engage in a neighbour hood watch styled program, keeping eyes on and looking out for each other. And here is a slightly cunning plot. You see, the Penitus Oculatus were a cunning bunch, and two had donned civilian clothes and reduced themselves from their upright demeaner. The plan was to get one of themselves kidnapped, and from there the captive would proceed to escape in a clever manner which he assumed the kidnappers would not suspect, and from there have them arrested and subsequently imprisoned. The two behaved like the citizens, and hoped they would be able to lure the kidnappers. Black Marsh The Elder Councillor arrived at the city, stepping slowly out of his carriage and looking around, his escorts scanned their surroundings, looking for anything that they might even consider a threat. Valenwood The Imperial Forces begin to direct the bosmer in the embargo, leading to a further cut of supplies in the south. Faced with economic troubles from the new pirate threat and the embargo's, the South is expected to weaken as the 'independent Elsweyr' collapses around them and brings them back into the Empires fold. The Arrival of the Redguards in Valenwood is met by cheers of the Imperial troops. What the Redguards would do in the long term wasn't really their concern, their duty was to free Valenwood of Aldmeri rule. It's political future? Probably independent, though some of the Imperials did hold a glimpse of hope that the Bosmer might join with them. The legate expected that the Aldmeri propaganda was going to fail as such. Whatever the case, now that Valenwood seemed to have most of the Altmer pushed out, the Legates forces were essentially mopping up now. Their morale was so high he expected he could tell them to charge a volley of arrows and they wouldn't be disheartened... Haha, not that he wanted to put that to the test, morale can only go so far