[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/fxKK2F2.jpg[/img] [i]Greetings... I am the Goddess Skaia, the Mother of all Gods. Don't fret, we are in a dream that I have especially created for you and only you. I hear your cries for justice, and I have come to you. I am dying, and you are in search of adventure. Your people are starting to forget me, and when a God is forgotten... They die. Religions are beginning to be branched out and slowly, I lose my followers, those who were devout. A prophecy has been foretold that you will become a great hero, you are the prophet that will keep me breathing and blessing. A great darkness will plague the land and it is your duty to stop it from destroying the world in which you live in... Will you help me? Wake up... And rise.[/i][/center] You are a future hero, no matter your past. You were specifically selected by the Goddess, Skaia. The first step to becoming a great hero is to enlist in the upcoming war! Yes, the kingdom that you live in is going to get invaded by the kingdom west of it. And currently, the Great King Rivern is in need of as many soldiers as possible. Of course, after the war, all of you will be considered 'Heroes' by the kingdom. Which soon spirals down due to the Dark clouds that are rolling over the kingdom, they bring sickness and strange creatures which you have never seen before. At this point, you now must travel far and wide to the source of the looming clouds and exterminate whatever is controlling it. This is no easy task that will be finished within a night, heavens no. You will be faced with grueling tasks, starvation, disease, ambushes and much much more. Will you survive? [b][center]Species List and Caste System:[/center][/b] [b]Elves:[/b] The highest and 'purest' species in the kingdom, they are considered to be nobles and rule over all. Their most noticeable feature is their height and long pointed ears. Their women are slightly shorter than the men. The king of the kingdom must always be elven. [b]Humans:[/b] The Middle-Class workers on the kingdom, they are usually the ones that enlist as soldiers. The men are relatively tall, though there can be some exceptions. Most who aren't soldiers are either farmers, stonemasons, or blacksmiths. [b]Demons:[/b] The lowest of the caste system, they are the poorest and most hated race in the kingdom, they live on the outskirts of the capital city and try their best to survive. They rarely enlist for wars and when they are needed, the recruitment soldiers simply take boys who are older than the age of twelve and leave with them. Their blood is blue, which is considered to be an oddity and their most noticed feature is their horns and oddly colored skin(The possibilities are endless). The men are oddly tall, taller than the elves and their women are petite. [center][b]How we will start off:[/b][/center] We will all start off waking up after the dream of the Goddess and her telling of the prophecy. - If you are an Elf you will wake up in a comfy bed and start off your morning however you like it, but soon you will hear your parents discussing the upcoming war. Strangely, you are interested and head off to enlist. Elves usually don't participate in wars due to their nobility, but you do it anyways. If you are a female elf, you must prove your worth in combat or begging. - If you are a human, you will wake up in your cottage and start off your morning by helping your parents with the farm or work, you will see recruiters in the distance riding on their horses, but you pay no mind to them until they come by and state that they need boys to join in the war. You seem eager since the Goddess has stated that you must join no matter what. If you are a female Human, you must prove your worth by begging or combat. - If you are a Demon, you will wake up in your hut, hearing screaming and crying. As you exit the hut you see recruiters gathering up the boys to use for the war. You are forced to come along with. If you are a female Demon, you must prove your worth by either sparing a relative and going for them, or combat. [center]-----[/center] Rules: 1. No Godmodding 2. Don't make too many of one species 3. Please wait 5 minutes before replying to something, it makes it hard for me to keep track of things if you constantly blast each other with posts D: 4. Have fun! 5. Usual RPG rules apply here. 6. Co-GM is Toxx [center]-----[/center] Character Sheet Name: Age: Gender: Species: Biography: Personality: Appearance: Crush: (If any) Any Skills In Combat?: [center]Accepted Characters[/center] [hider=Lele Thorodan][b]My Character[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/44uD08j.jpg[/img] Drawn by Keerou. [b]Name:[/b] Lele Thorodan [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Demon [b]Biography:[/b] Lele is the youngest child of the Thorodan family, she has one older brother and no sisters. Her mother is a modest woman with a modest set of rules in their 'household'. Lele's father was an unknown man, but her mother speaks highly of him, he died long before Lele was even born due to a rebellion that he participated in. [b]Personality:[/b] Lele is optimistic and sympathetic to the point that she is easily affected and influenced. She is quite expressive and it is easy to catch her in a lie. She does try to be genuine in her interactions with other people. If she feels strongly about certain matters, she may act inconsiderately and without regard of others' feelings. [b]Appearance:[/b] She is 5'0" tall and is a rather skinny girl, her skin is a pale blue with white dots along her eyes and forehead almost like freckles which is common among demons, since her mother and father both have blue tinted skin. Her horns curve outwards at the tip and are bumpy and rugged, it makes it hard for Lele to sleep on her sides. Lele has long white hair which stops at her hip, she usually ties it up in a bun. [b]Crush:[/b] None at the moment [b]Any Skills In Combat?:[/b] None whatsoever, but she can throw pebbles(?)[/hider]