[center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvz67w6j7c1qzvbepo1_r1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Brutus Kingsly [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-One. (21) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Strictly human. [b]Biography:[/b] Originally born on a quaint farm as the youngest son of a family of retired warriors, knights, and brawlers, Brutus had a rough, yet honest life. He wrestled with his older brothers, growing calloused after every punch, grapple, and kick. He learned how to ride horses and bulls, wrestle down cows larger than entire sheds, and how to reinforce armor and weapons over the forge. He made a living, after moving away and buying his own quaint hut, by building weapons and armors for the elves and soldiers. This whole...dream thing was odd; he didn't see himself as hero material, but...the challenge was welcomed. [b]Personality:[/b] Brutus is certainly a tough customer once you first meet him. Gruff and cold, he isn't one for the company of inky little rich weaklings, nor pity-party demons. He's generally a boy who respects strength and efficiency, and despite his rough demeanor, he is a loyal man who loves the thought of busting heads or crushing throats. If you manage to break his rough outer shell, you can expect a man who will protect you with his life, although his dark sense of humor and serious nature may run others away. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, standing at 6'2, with a muscular, brawny build that boasts his constant work over the fire, along with his break-backing work wrestling horses an mules, along with taking care of the occasional bandit, bully, or thief, Brutus is definitely someone you wouldn't want to mess with. He has a strong, chiseled face, with pronounced jaw bones and a thick red scar that tears from his cheek to his neck. His messy, yet feathery black hair covers his intense brown eyes, and runs down his neck in thick locks. Brutus has fairly tanned skin, and he usually wears regular brown pants, leather boots engraved with iron, and a protective, thick, sleeveless leather shirt with patches of iron sewn in occasionally, as to not limit his agility or speed, but still give a protective edge. Brutus has iron and leather gloved gauntlets constantly on, along with an iron shield and greatsword on his back. [b]Crush:[/b] No one. [b]Combat Skills:[/b] Brutus is tough, strong, and fast - an instinctive thinker and an even tougher enemy. He's skilled with larger weapons - greatswords and hammers, and he's exceptionally skilled with his hands - wrestling and beating up men older and bigger than himself does that to a boy. He has some experience with a crossbow.[/center] Yo.