"Yelling my name through the forest is only going to accomplish those that are looking for us to actually find us, Aeden." she stood and wiped the leaves off of the back of her dress. Her face was pale and her hair riddled with dirt and leaves. She felt awful and she knew this translated into her appearance as well. "We need to formulate a plan." She muttered as she began walking back towards the horses, "Either we go back or we go far away. I know which you'll pick, but please take it into consideration. I'm sure there is still time to get there and get my mother out. No matter the consequences." She realized what she was saying was impossible and highly dangerous. She frowned and ran a hand through her hair. Her hand came away with various objects, including a small bug crawling around. Her eyes grew wide and she suppressed a scream, "I need...I need a pond...or [i]something[/i]. I Have bugs in my hair!! BUGS!" She began shaking out her hair wildly with her hands. She could now feel things crawling around up there and it made her silently go crazy on the inside.