[hider=Picture][img=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/239/d/2/neko_boy_by_dziu09-d6jy4vw.jpg][/hider] (Without the Neko parts) [b]Name[/b]: Jiro Koulston [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Species[/b]: Human [b]Biography[/b]: Jiro lives in a common farm with his father, mother and his little sister Nettle of the age of eight. He does what he can around the farm which branches off into many minor tasks. This includes sweeping of hay, planting and harvesting while making sure all the animals are fit and ready to do their jobs around or within the farm. You could say that Jiro is physically fit but not tremendously strong. He has the stamina to achieve all the goals set by his parents around the farm and still have enough energy to do household jobs if needed. This makes Jiro quite a hands on and busy individual for his age, yet to be fair other children around his age in the same scenario are just as busy. He has not attended school in his life, his parents never could afford any education for him and will probably never be able to send Nettle to school either. With this disadvantage, Jiro is unable to read, yet he was always a good counter. He learned to count as he began doing work around the farm for example counting the chicken eggs etc. His social life isn't great either, having not met friends through school and most of the time being at home or working on the farm, therefore his social skills as a whole are quite misshapen as he becomes somewhat nervous around new individuals. [b]Personality[/b]: Tends to act slightly nervous around new individuals until warming up to them. Can be clumsy at times and make a fool of himself. Avoids physical brawls due to his lack of confidence in his inner strength and of the fact that he is a peaceful and caring person to the right ones. Likes to keep himself busy as it was his upbringing to always be busy and have something to do on the farm. Chooses to gain peoples respect through his kind heart and compassion than by anything of a negative degree. [b]Appearance[/b]: Thin dark brown hair that almost floats in a soft breeze. Some facial features such as his nose and lips are quite small compared to his medium sized emerald green eyes. His physique is slightly muscular from working at the farm. The skin around his body is just a tad bit pale strangely enough even though he is always out in the sun. Jiro wears casual peasant leather clothing, nothing too shabby. Along with a pair of hard leather boots. [b]Crush[/b]: No [b]Any Skills In Combat?[/b]: Never before had he seen combat, the closest he probably got to combat was fighting the chickens so he could catch them for supper, so as you can tell the dream had quite an impact on him. He wasn't exactly, hero material.