Name: Artemis Grayfallow Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Elf Biography: Born a mute(is this cool? If not will change instantly), Artemis never had to worry about not being able to be understood. Her parents taught her to use her hands to talk. She had two loving parents who were very high ranked in the courts of the kingdom. Anything she asked for she received, everything but the freedom to roam the lower parts of the town. They forbade her to go anywhere or talk to any one that was lower rank than their family.The younger children often tried to suck up to her getting into her good graces. She ignored them and stayed by herself. Her parents paid for private lessons making sure their only daughter could take care of herself. Personality: Artemis has a silent personality. She would rather listen than be listen to. She watches and waits. She hears and responds. This doesn't mean she is a push over. She can give whatever she takes, she is ready to fight when ever the need arises. If she doesn't like some one she will clearly let them know. She is also kind and gentle but would rather keep her emotions hidden not letting people see them. Appearance: [hider=Image][img][/img][/hider] Crush: No Any Skills In Combat?: Archery is by fair the skill she excels at. She can hit a moving target with ease. She isn't too bad at swordplay either but prefers the bow. She has daggers hidden in her boots.