Buckle jumped when the church door opened, and without realising it his hand was gripping his revolver as it sat snugly in its holster. "Sheeeeeeeeeat, lady," he said, choking on a bad intake. He eyed the wine bottle. "Hell, you can have ten of these if you'd throw some of that my way." Looking her up and down, Buckle couldn't help but feel more drawn into the surrealism of the situation. The woman was dressed like a man, with a hat to match. A slender figure though, and the clothes had been tailored to follow her feminine curves. Raising an eye at the shotgun, he tried to gage the woman's age. Young, sure enough, but there was some of that frontier-haggardness about her. Rolling her a cigarette, Buckle nodded at her. "How old are you Miss? Not often I see womenfolk walkin' round with guns that big. Though sayin' that, I guess vampires 'n zombies means girls gotta play soldiers too, right?"