[b]Starting Country:[/b] Northern Spain. [b]Name of Nation:[/b] The Empire of Vyrndar [b]Race Name:[/b] The Lorenvolk [b]Race Leader:[/b] Vel'Nardoc, High King of Vyrndar, The Tyrant of Vol'Kariz (This last name is not a title of his choosing.) [b]Race Leader Physical Description:[/b] Vel'Nardoc is a being possessed of a certain dread majesty that resonates outwards from his physical form. His form towers over lesser creatures and causes fear in the hearts of the staunchest men and beasts that would dare to face him. Due to his 15 1/2 foot height there is very little that looks him in the eye. His body structure is like the Lorenvolk that he is descended from quite similar to a massive human, though everything is scaled up appropriately. He has almost flawless features unmarked by the ravages of time or disease. But marring these flawless features is a mark of war. Both of his cheeks bare a thick ropey scar from a past injury that was only a hair short of killing him and that nearly severed his lower jaw. His hair is golden and mixed with threads of white which seems to be the only concession his body has made to his old age. When he goes to battle the High King is clad in armor forged from the purest deposits of Mriswring metal. It is truly an awe inspiring work that he wears when he enters into battles and it reflects both his glories and the glory that his goddess embodies. The armor is a suit of full plate that covers the entirety of his body. His helm is cast in the shape of Maev’Sil’Vien’s ancient natural crown, it covers his head and only shows his eyes through slits that are too narrow to allow blades or projectiles entry. From the top of this helm emerge six spines that point skyward as if they were the peaks of a crown. Further from his back and his shoulders emerge another of set of four spines in total, two of these spines are black in coloration and the other two are of the purest white. [b]Race Leader Significant Traits:[/b] Vel'Nardoc is the son of the goddess Maev'Sil'Vien. Time has little hold on him and he has proven able to withstand blows that would have felled almost any other mortal such as the nearly lethal blow that has left the terrible scaring on his face. He is notable as one of the few Lorenvolk to possess natural magic and his lineage appears to have made him quite a potent mage. He also appears to have some power over dragons as the great beings obey his commands while shunning those of most others who would dare to do so. [b]Race Physical Description:[/b] The Lorenvolk are a race that do appear to have been made to rule, in terms of sheer size the smallest of the race stand in at approximately 13 feet in hieght while the tallest stand in at 14 to 15 feet tall. In terms of physical structure they are very similar to races such as humanity and humanity's myriad cousins simply on a much larger scale than humans are. Despite their size they are proportioned similarly to humans, they don't have arms that touch the ground if they let them hang down, ect. In many respects they are similar to humanity and as such they do have a wide range of possible skin colors as well as possible hair and eye colors. The most common though is pale skin along with either blonde or dark hair along with fair eyes. In terms of identifying the rank of individuals the most definite fashion element is also the rarest and most expensive of the many elements that serve to mark rank within Vyrndar. The Imperial family as well as the highest echelon of the faith of Maev'Sil'Vien are the only ones allowed to make use of this particular fabric. Within Vyrndar there has long been a special variety of spider known for it's unique golden silk webs. With sufficient effort it is possible to harvest and amass enough of this incredibly valuable silk for use in articles of clothing as well as occasionally being used in the creation of sacred tapestries or ornaments that depict the forms of Maev'Sil'Vien. Second only the sacred golden thread is crimson. Only those who are of the great families and noble lineages of the empire are permitted to wear clothing that contains the rich color. Aside from those two colors there are no specifically important colors that are denied to the general populace. However it is important to note that those of lower rank are far less likely to have clothing with bright or distinct colors and that such is typically reserved for the wealthy. It should also be noted that unstained white is also considered a sign of prestige and nobility as well. - Male Appearances: Quite similar to massive humans - Female Appearances: Quite similar to massive humans [b]Use of Magic:[/b] The Lorenvolk as races go are one of the less magically inclined. Magic is rare among them and typically most present in the ability of the clergy and clerics of Maev'Sil'Vien to channel small amounts of her divine power. This power is typically channeled through the use of an image of the goddess, most frequently either a small statue or a cloth with a picture of her face woven into it. Scorching rays of light, and darkness that consumes all it touches, along with healing magic are the most common things that are employed by the handful of magically inclined Lorenvolk. It is said that at times Maev'Sil'Vien will intervene directly, but with her physical form destroyed long ago it is uncertain if she is still capable of physical intervention. Still places sacred to her tend to have a presence about them. The other partially magical element about the Lorenvolk is their knowledge on the manufacture and shaping of the magical metal Mriswring. Mriswring is also frequently referred to as magic's bane by other races and among those who rely heavily upon such arts the sight of Mriswring armor clad warriors invokes a sense of dread. Mriswring is typically as strong as strong steel and the Lorenvolk alone know the secret by which it can be made. Mriswring negates and absorbs magic that is cast at it protecting the wearer of a suit of armor from the bulk of magical attacks. [b]Life Span:[/b] The Lorenvolk tend to live for upwards of 200 years. The Vel'Nardoc and his descendants have used their own longevity to bolster their claims of divine ancestry for they have lived far longer than the 250 odd years of a standard Lorenvolk lifespan. [b]Reproduction Rate:[/b] The Lorenvolk breed at a similar rate to humanity with a roughly 9 month long pregnancy period. It does take longer for them to mature physically however and a Lorenvolk is typically not considered an adult until past his or her 30th year of life. [b]Society:[/b] WIP [b]Religion: [/b] The Lorenvolk practice a monotheistic religion that specifically venerates one goddess who is possessed of several notable forms and aspects. The goddess Maev'Sil'Vien is the embodiment of Creation and Destruction, Light and Dark, and Life and Death. It is said that in the beginning she wrought the great burning sphere the orbits the world from her own light and the darkness that shrouds the earth at night from her own shadow. It is said that she descended to the world upon the crystal stair to create all life but that when life had been created she could not find anything worthy of claiming as her own. It was then that she created the first of the Lorenvolk, to serve as her chosen, her children upon the world. Maev'Sil'Vien is most frequently depicted as a being that towers over even the Lorenvolk. Her statues that have supposedly be made in her image would show her to be roughly 20 feet tall. Four spines emerge from her shoulders, two ivory and two black as night, in a similar vein her head bears a natural crown of spines in the same pattern and grouping. [b]History:[/b] The Lorenvolk are a race that claim to be nearly as ancient as the world itself. They claim that their goddess Maev'Sil'Vien created them when she descended upon the Crystal Stair as her chosen people above all others. In the early days of the world it was said that Maev'Sil"Vien ruled over her children personally and that in those years she gave them many gifts such as the art of creating the magical metal Mwriswring and that she led them to glory. Among the Lorenvolk this age is spoken of as a golden time, a time when they ruled the world with their goddess at their head, when all basked in her holy light and her destructive night was rarely unleashed upon the world. But then their records speak of uprisings and terrible wars. Other gods are mentioned here with myriad curses laid upon their names, the names of the gods of the so called high elves and other races. For it is said that others sought to steal the dominion of Maev'Sil'Vien, that the lesser gods could not tolerate her rule and banded together in an attempt to cast her down from her position of power. The wars between gods were said to have spilled over into the mortal realm as the mortal servants of the gods warred against each other at the command of their deities. The Lorenvolk remained loyal to their goddess and at first the rebellions and wars were resolved in their favor. For in those days Maev'Sil'Vien was young and the Lorenvolk had just been formed of her divine essence. But in time things began to change, slowly the fringes of their rule began to crumble and even as Maev'Sil'Vien gifted her children anew, teaching them how to forge Mriswring into armor and laboring in secret to create beings who would aid them should the war drag on long enough it seemed that the crumbling could not be averted. Still her children fought for her will and as her desperation grew so too did the magic that she unleashed upon the world. The world itself shuddered as she tore at it's foundations, raising mountains and casting others down. But she was one against many and in time her domain had shrunken to the point where only the sacred lands surrounded Vol'Kariz and the Crystal Stair remained to her and her children. All the Lorenvolk who remained had been gathered there and in her greatest splendor she descended upon the stair once again for what was to be the final battle of the 'Wars of the Gods' to other races and the 'Fall' as the Lorenvolk refer to it. This final battle ended in the sack of Vol'Kariz itself and the seeming defeat of Maev'Sil'Vien. But while defeated she could not be truly slain and her spirit fled back up the Crystal Stair and even the greatest servants of the other gods dared not approach it. The Lorenvolk were scattered, but like their mother they were not destroyed. In time they recovered and while Vol'Kariz sat abandoned it had been forged by divine hands and would never truly decay.Many small kingdoms and fragments of their once great empire were what remained. It was when the Lorenvolk had recovered to this point that one of their number, a man whose stature and power was greater than any other, a man who seemed to have the blood of the divine flowing through him rose to prominence. He claimed that he was the son of Maev'Sil'Vien herself and that he would reforge their greatness and bring back their age of dominance. And many of his kind flocked to this promise and those who did not bow before his will were conquered again. The other races chose to ignore this as the Lorenvolk warred among themselves. In time he had gained dominion over his own people and he took Vol'Kariz for his own. From this ancient seat of power he forged a new nation, restored the faith in Maev'Sil'Vien and gave a broken people a new purpose. But this new purpose was to prove objectionable to the other races of the world for soon after Vyrndar was established and all the remaining Lorenvolk states were unified the armies of Vyrndar marched forth to conquer. Vel'Nardoc, who claimed as his bloodline the lineage of Maev'Sil'Vien herself led his armies to war against the world, but most specifically the High Elves who's gods had begun the wars that led to the Fall. With Maev'Sil'Vien not showing herself in person the other gods were similarly absent, merely gifting their champions with power and allowing them to fight. While these wars were again terrible and there were grievous loses on both sides Vel'Nardoc and the Lorenvolk were ultimately forced back again. In a scene that echoed that ancient battle from thousands of years prior the Lorenvolk gathered their strength at their ancient holy city for what seemed likely to be the final battle of the war. There Vel'Nardoc descended issued forth from the city to fight the elves and their allies. It is said that he slew the Elven King in single combat though the battle had weakened him and that in his moment of weakness one of the princes struck him with a blow that sheered through the Mriswring helm he wore, striking him down. But as he fell his screams woke his mother's legacy. The last children of Maev'Sil'Vien, bred in the final days of her power and at last grown rose from their burrows in the earth. Their screams split the heavens and their very breath set fire to the world as the Mriswring dragons rose. Before this onslaught the victory that had seemed within the grasp of the elves and others as Vel'Nardoc fell faded and fleeing from dragonfire the host retreated leaving many dead. Vel'Nardoc would survive, though much of the world named him the Tyrant of Vol'Kariz. For nearly two thousand years the being who claimed to be the spawn of Maev'Sil'Vien ruled from his seat at Vol'Kariz and while there were periods of peace war simmered for much of the time. When the world began to die the Lorenvolk as they always had fought. Confident in their power and their place as the children of the being they believe to be the only true god they waged their war with the world itself. A war that almost any other race would have viewed as madness. It was a war that they could not possibly win. No magic of the Lorenvolk could stop the decay of their world and they would not stoop so low as to evacuate through the portals of their hated enemies. They were the rulers the children of Maev'Sil'Vien herself. And it seems that their faith was rewarded. A presence not felt directly upon the world for many thousands of years returned and it opened portals of it's own before seemingly departing once more. [b]Significant Racial Traits: [/b] Great Physical Attributes: Due to their great size and strength that is proportional to their size they are much stronger than a human or member of a race with of similar to human size. Further they possess speed that is greater than that of a human as well as reach that exceeds a human. However great size can also be a drawback, dwellings that are not made to accomadate them often are unable to hold them properly, dealing with caves can be a truly nightmarish task, and there is the old adage, the bigger you are the harder you fall. However it must also be remembered that Lorenvolk weapons when compared to normal humans weapons are truly immense. A five or six foot long sword is not particularly long or large to beings like them and their great strength lets them wield weapons that no human could dream of. Metallurgical Skill: The Lorenvolk are known for their skill at metallurgy and the gift of the holy Mriswring metal that was bestowed upon them in the ancient days by the Goddess Maev'Sil'Vien. Mriswring metal is golden in coloration in it's purest state and is known for it's remarkable ability to nullify and absorb magic that was directed at it. The Lorenvolk have long been known to wear massive suits of armor fashioned in a large degree from this mystical metal to serve as their best defense against the magic of other races. Vain Glory: The Lorenvolk are a race of beings possessed of great arrogance and vanity. They see war not as a battle to be won but as a chance to show how they are superior and a chance to win further glory. As well as to spread the faith in their Goddess to all of the world/worlds. [b]Preferred Fighting Methods:[/b] Describe the tactics your peoples employ on the battlefield. Do they rely upon the heavy use of magic? Do they make good use of guerrilla warfare tactics? Are they at their best when amassed into a horde? Do they use finite tactics like flanking, tight formations and other complicated manoeuvres? Give me a feel for how your army would fight. In combat the Lorenvolk rely heavily on their heavy armor and great physical power to triumph over their foes. There is little that can stand against a charge of giants and even the simple act of charging is often enough to inspire terror even for those who have fought them before. For humans who have never seen such beings it is likely that the fear factor will be devastating. Should the armored charge be deemed ineffective the Lorenvolk can also adapt phalanx formations with massive shields to protect them. Great bows that shoot metal bolts the size of a man hundreds of yards with the force to pass through multiple people. are also highly deadly and wielded casually by these giants. And often the secret weapon of the Lorenvolk is the presence of the Mriswring Dragons. While only a few made it through the rifts their mother's final children remain loyal and devastating force multipliers both through fear factor and the natural power of dragons. [b]Seafaring Capabilities:[/b] The Lorenvolk have never been particularly skilled at sea travel or naval warfare. Though they are capable of swimming if necessary and they can build boats. [b]Other Information:[/b] Anything that has been missed, and you feel needs a mention.