Danny listened as Amy expressed all of her worries one after the other and though he had expected something of the sort to be the actual reason for the young girl's hesitation in training with the other Titans, the sheer depth of her lack of confidence and self-doubt still struck him as profoundly painful. If she was ever to succeed as a hero, she would need to believe in herself, at the very least. If he could do something about that, then maybe he really could do more good here than simply being an instructor. More than that, Danny owed t to her to try and help her find happiness and inner peace, not just as his student but as a person. He put a hand on her shoulder as gently as he could and using what little he knew of the empathic and telepathic practices of K'un-Lun, attempted to radiate his feelings of calm and sincere confidence in Amy so that she could sense them as he spoke. He wasn't entirely sure she would believe him otherwise and he didn't want her under the illusion that he was lying to trick her into anything or falsely bolster her confidence in any way. "Hey, you may be younger than most other heroes out there, but you've already saved an entire world. That's more than some of the others down in the training arena have done, and that means a lot. You have every right to be here regardless of your youth. Even the simple fact that you're here shows that the Teen Titans and maybe even the Justice League recognize your potential as a superheroine. More personally than that, [i]I[/i] believe in you. Because right now I can see a girl who feels lost and confused and full of doubt, but who still wants to do the right thing despite feeling helpless, so much that it hurts. Going on when everything feels hopeless because you know that it's right, That's real heroism, Amy. You've got all the qualities of a superhero, and you owe it to yourself to believe it." Danny allowed himself a small smile as he finished the little speech. As corny as he knew it all probably seemed, he really was sincere. "Plus, if you're still nervous about training with the other Titans, I can always train you personally, one-on-one. The most effective training happens outside all the drills and simulated exercises anyways, so I'd be happy to teach you everything I can. I may not know exactly why you have your powers, but my childhood home of K'un-Lun was a place [i]filled[/i] with magic and arcane knowledge, the rulers of the city often consulted with agents of the Lords of Order as well as the Sorceror Supreme of Earth. I was considered a poor student, but my knowledge about magic is considered very extensive for someone with no talent at it and I'm sure that if we work together we can figure things out. Also, ah, I don't like to brag but if it ever interests you I've been told I'm [i]pretty good[/i] at something called 'martial arts.' " At the last part he gestured towards the still active fighting game and might even have winked. Just then he winced and put a hand to his head as Rose said that a 'Taskmaster' was waiting to be interviewed for his audition to be a Titan. "Okay, okay, I'll be right down, just finishing up here." He took his hand away and regarded both Amy and the fighting game again, noting with some irritation that the player on the other side had continued to mock and taunt his student's character. "You know, interrupting his low-kicks with a projectile works fine, but a Rising Dragon Fist from the crouched position could work even better if you timed it just right. If you stop by the training rooms later, I could even teach you how to do one without a controller." Danny walked away from the Rec Room and towards the elevators, noting Jason as he did so. The young man's irritation buzzed around him like a hornet's nest. "Jason Todd I take it? You're expected. Follow me to the training arena, we have an interview to conduct." Once down there, Iron Fist noted Taskmaster's unusual costume with a slight trace of unease, magnified by the reports of what his power apparently was. If it were true then the potential recruit could be trained into the most skilled martial artist on Earth with barely an ounce of effort. It was a repulsive thought and he had to work to suppress the emotions that came with it. "So, you're here to be a member of the Teen Titans?"