Anne woke up happily forgetting she was in a train car with someone else and slide down from her bed. "Good morning gorgeous how you doing" she muttered to herself walking out of the train car to her luggage grabbing a orange and yellow flame sun dress and went to the bathrooms to change bringing along her brush and other stuff. --- Coming from the bathroom she walked back into the train car looking at the man's bag and remembering she was sharing the train car, " oops " she said before putting her stuff into the suitcase and sliding it next to her chair folding her bed back up. " he must have been up late "she said then shook her head,"Was für ein dummer Mann." Said in German and walked out of the train car. Walking into the dinning car she sat down in a seat closest to where she came in, a few men scattered even less women. Shaking her head she brought out her phone and turned it on. Seventeen missed calls from different numbers all not named. " delete"